New Years Eve PAINinsula Style

20 F3LKN pax chose the Red Pill to end 2019 the right way – with a healthy dose of pain

The Thang:

Mosey to Dutchman's Lot

SSH x 25


Cotton Pickers X 15

Mountain Climbers x 20

Windmills x 15

IST x 15

Mosey to the corner – C2C lap

Corner 1 10 Mericans

Corner 2 15 lunges

Corner 3 20 Squats

Corner 4 25 LBCs

Mosey to the Gazebo with bear crawls up and down the stairs and Spider Man Merican on each step

Bunny Hop up and down the stairs with squat on each stair

Mosey to the Planters

Decline Mericans x 10 IC

Step Ups 10 each leg

Dips X 10 IC

Mosey to the Loop and partner up for runs while partner exercises

– 100 Mericans

– 200 Squats

– 300 LBCs

Mosey to the Rock Pile

Rock Curls x 10 IC
Rock Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Rock Skull Crushers x 10 IC 



Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the lower lot

Pretzel Crunch X 15 each side

Mosey to the Launch

Low FLutters X 20

Crunchy Frogs courtesy of Stromboli X 15

Rosalitas X 20

THE Burpee

Naked Man Moleskin:

– Thanks to all the pax who came out today and every day to work out – the push is something we all need, may it continue in to the New Year, may you and your families be blessed with good health, joy, happiness and spiritual growth that brings you closer to God.

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

