Nice pole

Event Date

Apr 27, 2019


5 dudes escaped the fartsack to a beautiful spring BEATdown.

– 20x SSH
– 10x merkins
– 10x hillbillies
– 20x mountain climbers
– 20x dippy birds (10/side)

Parking Lot Fun (+ mosey back)
– high knees
– lunges
– monkey walk left
– monkey walk right
– bear crawl up + crawl bear back
– karaoke right
– karaoke left
– toy soldier walk

Back to the back to retrieve the 120# (?) 4" x 4" x 12' steel square tube/beam
Hilarity ensues as we walk up to the front, finally figuring out a LRLRL type carrying pattern.
Several '3-2-1 Switch' call outs shift the pain from one side to the other.

Transport beam up to the top of LBH.
20/20/20:  20 squats, 20 merkins, 20 WWI

Transport beam to the end of road left
– 1 person rotates around pax twice, doing 2 or 3 burpees

Transport beam back to intersection

Beam builder
– 1 person runs to light post and back, others curl beam
– next person run, others shoulder press beam
– continue until all are roasted and have run

Transport beam back to back
20/20/20 + 20 pull ups
Plank 30 secs + high plank knees to elbow + bird dog (both sides)

Return to the front
20x Freddy Mercury's
10x low dolly's
10x opposite hand/foot alternating touches
30 secs 'merican hammer

reflection: 2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
– be sure to reflect His light to those around you

– Metro seemed to be in a sharing mood; freely giving all a whiff of nastiness.  Entire formations were established based on 'Metro in back', 'Metro downwind', and 'Go away Metro'.
– Shredder's new Coyote Iron Man gloves are pretty sweet.
– Skipper complained a lot…but he seemed generally happy to be at the home workout
– Shirley was a little fiesty this morning, going wide on the beam walk, and stirring up trouble here and there.

Good times this morning fellas.
Really honored to lead you guys