Nickels and Dimes

Event Date

Jun 27, 2023


FKT had a visitor from Atlanta today. I wanted to make sure we had a good showing for our F3 Cherokee brother.

The workout was inspired by Don Ho‘s twin, David Goggins. And Instagram posts by Goggins showed him discussing his training regiment for setting the pull up record. So I said, why not let’s try it, but let’s add some really hard running as well.

So yours truly and  swingstate showed at five for the tough man standard. Frodo showed up at 5:10 for the night as tough man centered.

I finished with some Olivia, Core, per usual. But swing state met Lexi, a  F3 Gent from Atlanta, and they continue to run. Sac, and his beautiful face also showed and begin running with the others.

Come, 530 we were also graced with the presece of Pitstop, donning, a headband, a bear bare chest, and some big, sexy Calves. Honeybee also rolled in ready to rock. We left and headed to the pull up bars, one solid mile before some action.

As we started, our first set the great and powerful cherry bomb sprinted in ready to rock. He probably just ran a 4 1/2 minute mile to catch up to us. He said he had a long meeting with significant paperwork with his boss that a.m. that slowed him down. It makes sense after a large, large sushi, dinner the night before.

The action at the pull up bars was, nickels and dimes. Nickels, being five pull ups followed by dimes being 10 push-ups. You have to do two sets of this every minute. We did this for six straight minutes. We then ran a 1.35 mile loop, which apparently was uphill the entire way somehow. We then came back and did the same nickels and dimes for four more minutes.  Equaling a grand total of 100 pull-ups and 200 push-ups we then ran the same, uphill, the entire way, loop and then booked it back to the AO. We finished with over 4 1/2 miles and all those nickels and dimes.

A few thoughts, I talked a lot of crap to Cherry bomb, but he kicked my ass at all these workouts. Tear.

Honeybee enjoyed my rap music during the runs, but when he got tired of my slow pace, kick my butt

Lexi fits right in with the FKT crew. He should think about moving to Lake Norman.

I haven’t worked out with Sac in like 10 years. I’m so glad I had the opportunity today.

Frodo is fast, swingstate is fast.

Pitstop is one of the most enjoyable people to work out with. He’s in that upper echelon of those like Enron. Just a hard-working SOB with a good attitude.

Thank you guys for pushing me. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally fulfilled this a.m.

