Nickles and Dimes

Twas a great morning at dragonslayer. 11 men stood up to the challenge and are stronger because of it.

The day began with a brisk 3.1 mile standard Mr. Holland lead the way. I was confused and lost. But Mr. Holland made it happen. Mr Holland had a ton of energy from his carb loading last night.

As we made it back to the AO the troops were ready. Ampm, and the black lung he possessed, showed up easily on time.

The music was turned on, and we began with a hot lap.

Upon return to the pull up bars, we begin with five minutes of nickels and dimes. That’s two sets of five pull ups and 10 push-ups every minute for five minutes.  ( 50 pull ups, 100 push ups in 5 min)

We then did a suicide run for recovery.

After we began a Tabata extravaganza.

Six sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off of shoulder press.

Run suicide

Six sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off of squats

Run suicide

Six sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off of KB swings

Run a half mile

5 more minutes or nickels and dimes

Six sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off of Freddy Mercury

Recover, Recover

Everyone worked their butts off today.  I was great to meet Ichabod, Hot Wax, Moby Dick and Grenade. I hope they knew what they were getting themselves into.  I also hope I see all of you back at Dragonslayer in the future.

I have come to find middle aged men in F3 hate rap.  All I can say is Boooooo. Stop listening to the lyrics and listen to the beat.  

If anyone ends up sick this weekend, thank AMPM.

CB and I definitely know who Enron is by the silhouette of his sexy legs from a far.  Is that weird?

Smokey is being pretty dern consistent on doing really hard workouts.  I love it!

Slingshot banged out pull-ups like nobody’s business today.

Cubicle was noticeably absent.

That’s all I got!

