Nifty at Fifty

15 Pax + one Dingo dog (aka Gracie) got stronger at YHC’s respect birthday beatdown.

FNG is Ways.

Kosar has extra credit for standard run.



  • Mosey to park pavilion parking log
  • SSH x 25 IC / ISTs x 15 IC / Cotton Pickers x 10 IC / 10 burpees OyO



  • Mosey to soccer field parking lot for modified mini vern:
    1. 10 burpees +lap around lot / 20 merkins + lap / 30 squats + lap / 40 LBCs + lap
    2. 50 CDDs + lap
    3. 25 jump squats + 25 decline merkins + lap
    4. Rocky Balboas x 25 IC + lap
    5. Repeato:   10 burpees +lap  / 20 merkins + lap / 30 squats + lap / 40 LBCs + lap
  • Mosey to rock pile and select one coupon
  • Curls x 10 IC, Overhead Press x 10 IC, Skull Crusher x 10 IC, Squat w/rock x 10 IC, Chest Press x 10 IC
  • Bear crawl to top of hill
  • 10 burpees OyO
  • Curls x 10 IC, Bent over Rows x 10 IC, Russian Twist x 10 IC
  • Crab walk to top of hill
  • 10 burpees OyO
  • Mosey to church lot for Mary


  • Low Flutter x 20 IC / Crunchy Frog  x 10 IC / J-Lo x 10 IC



  1. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. YHC has never seen Moses so eager as he was when he unloaded the ceremonial walker on the next RESPECT in F3LKN.
  2. Eight of fifteen Pax were RESPECTS. Dingo, however, is now in his fourth year at 39.  
  3. Solid work by all in very humid conditions. YHC had mileage at approx. 2.0.
  4. Shout out to Kosar for pacing the Pax through the mini vern.
  5. Great 2nd F at coffeeteria. Joined by Carpetbagger (Gladiator) and Scrappy (Blender). Appreciate the birthday coffee and cakepop from Moses and Wafflehouse. YHC  will need to pace calorie intake today or will otherwise spend the remainder of this week running.
  6. YHC is humbled and extremely grateful to have F3 and all the support and fellowship it offers. Pay it forward and pass it on whenever possible to the next guy that needs it.
  7. Thanks to Wafflehouse for the privilege of leading this fabulous AO.



