Night Ranger – 1/20/16

Event Date

Jan 20, 2016

Was a cold night at DPK, but warmed up quickly!

Heres what we did:

Run to Korean Church on Ransom St (who knew?)

  • SSH x15
  • Cottonpicker x10
  • Merkin x10
  • Squat x15
  • IST x15

Main event

Starting at bottom of deck, run to top stopping at southside flats for named exercise. Once at top, run back to bottom, stop at southside flats for named exercise. At bottom, run back to collect the six and complete exercises with them

  • Round 1:  UP: 15 Jump Squat, DOWN:  15 Dips
  • Round 2:  UP:  10 Burpees, DOWN: 15 CDD
  • Round 3:  UP:  15 Mtn Climbers, DOWN: 15 Merkin
  • Round 4:  UP:  15 Calf raises, DOWN:  15 Mason twist
  • 15 Low-Flutters
  • 15 Rosalita
  • 15 LBC

Run back to Korean Church for Jesus points, found none, Jailbreak back to DPK.  Recover.



Totals for deck work, some more getting the six:

  • 60 Jump Squat
  • 60 Dips
  • 40 Burpees
  • 60 CDD
  • 60 Mtn Climbers
  • 60 Merkins
  • 60 Calf-raises
  • 60 Mason Twist
  • 2.8 Miles per my watch, Freedom had 2.6

Upon arriving, Outlaw informed us after running a bit that he cannot post for a few days.  Also that Burpees give him headaches.  Cobains.  Also, for someone that works at the airport I would expect Silverbullet to have a better grasp of North and South.  We did, however, find that Pierogi has a moral compass when in front of a church.  He actually said "Guys, I don't think this is a good idea".  You are now an Incognitian, we expect more (or less) fromn you!

Enjoyed this one, Thanks to those that posted.