Night Ranger: Cougar Sings, Freedom Slings, and Scrappy is a Ding-a-Ling

Event Date

Feb 24, 2016

*Cougar from Area 51 joined us as well.  He looks like if you took 9-Lives and shrunk him down to 5'9.  Cougar is the thicker, shorter version of Big Cat.  It's uncanny.  

7 PAX ventured into the safety of Discovery Place Kids parking deck on Wednesday night as the wind was whipping through downtown Huntersville at 7:15pm.  

Silver Bullet brought 2 FNG's:  (1) Austin from Rock Hill and (2) Spencer from South Charlotte. 

Both men in their 20's and looking like they just came from a WideSpread Panic concert.  Austin was sporting a hipster beard and Spencer had some cool military issued specs on.  

The Warm-Up:  10 Days of Suck in the Dungeon (Mad Scientist basement)

1 – burpee

2- merkins

3 – squats

4 – SSH

5 – knees to arm pit jumps (this really sucks) 

6 – plank jacks 

7 – rock hoppers 

8 – lunges 

9 – Imperial Storm Troopers 

10 – Single count Windmills

We did 1 burpee.  Then, we did 2 merkins, 1 burpee.  Then, 3 squats, 2 merkins, 1 burpee.  All the way up to 10 and stacking on the previous exercises. 



Jump the wall and go to the rock pile.  Rocks too wet.  Go to the dry rock pile.  

Grab a traveling rock. 

Run up each deck with your rock and do exercises at the top of the deck.

Deck 1:  Curls 

Deck 2:  Shoulder Presses

Deck 3:  Jump over your rock laterally and do a merkin on each side. Yes, much like burpees. 

Deck 4:  5 dead-hang pull-ups 

Deck 5:  Bear-Crawl and Push your rock 

Deck 6:  Karaoke with your rock 

Head to the very top of the deck to the wall. 

People's Chair 

Balls 2 the Wall 

Back down the steps, Return your ROCK


GROUP 1:  2 men start doing 300 merkins while 2 other men run up the deck and do 10 merkins. You keep switching with your other 2 men until 300 cumulative merkins have been done.  AUDIBLE…200 merkins. 

GROUP 2:  1 man run up one level and do 10 merkins.  While 2 other men in the group stay statoinary and start doing merkins until failure.  Goal is to reach 200 merkins and then stop as a group. 

Round 2:  Same scenario, but 100 Diamond Merkins. 

Round 3:  Same scenario, but 100 partner pull-ups.  The odd man out just did turkish get-ups. 



Announcements:  Cougar is putting together a Go-Ruck Custom Light in Charlotte.  All the proceeds will go to the men's families who died in 2012 when their airplane crashed fighting the wild fires out west.  One man left behind 5 children.  I'm an HC and hoping Cougar can make this happen on Memorial Day. 


1.  Cougar has freakishly nice calves.  Not that kind of group, but tempting.  Just sayin' 

2.  Silver Bullet could be the fastest guy in F3.   His power animal is a giraffe, but he glides like an ice dancer up the parking deck.  Man, this is getting weird. 

3.  Freedom has the meatiest manly hands I've ever clinched.  On partner pull-ups he nearly ripped my arm out for the socket.  He's a raquetball court of a man.  Deflects wind really well if you happen to be behind him up the deck. Nice work WARDADDY at 41?

4.  FNG Austin – Dude, you were sweating your butt off.  You starting stripping layers midway through the workout.  Keep coming.  Your body will get used to the pain.  Very impressed by your work ethic and committment.  Awesome work.

5.  Spence – nice work as well.  You modified like a champ on those silly bear crawl rock pushes.  Good work. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.  Never give up brother. 

6.  Cougar – you get another slot on the BB with your karaoke singing during karaoke exercises.  For the record, you sound nothing like Journey.  Me neither. You're in good company. 

7.  Billy Bob – your truck is bad ass.  I am jealous. Very jealous. 

See you men in the gloom. 

Ring the BELL,
