Night ranger is trending with gravity

There’s two pax I’m forgetting their names. One of them is a NR regular and adventure race guy and one of them is doubles brother apparently. Feel free to comment and I will add them in.
4 of us waited for the Q to show up until Carpet Bagger and I ended up taking the initiative to start without him. After 5 minutes of warmorama a group of Night Ranger regulars showed up with Left Turn in the ranks. We grieved them for showing up late but unfortunately it only got worse from here. I really appreciate the bravery and willingness to step up to Q but I’m afraid Left Turn needs some remediation before he leads another workout. I get it that NR is commonly silly, fun and not quite as rigorous as many other posts but this was pretty extreme. I think we can do better. I ended up breaking off to get some core work until we regrouped and tried to dial in a more serious workout under Left Turns direction. Some parking deck climbs, bricks and COT. Alls well that ends with tacos so at least I went home satisfied. I know this may come across as harsh but it’s my opinion nonetheless. I enjoy the typical NR crowd probably more than they enjoy me so hopefully they’re not salty to see this post. 





counted twice for my attendance to convergence earlier that morning.