Night Ranger mumble chatter got weird in a hurry

FNG-1 = "Yogi", who I couldn't find in the Pax list.  If incorrect please sound off below.

It was a warm night and we earned our tacos at Night Ranger.  Here is, roughly, what went down on June 16th.

6:45 PM:  Run Standard with Camelback, Crocs, and Pit Stop.  Covered 2.53 miles per Strava.

7:15 PM:


  • Mosey from the (second from) top deck, including high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphilia, and Karaoke L/R; to the bottom
  • Everyone grabs a cinder block and carries upstairs overhead
  • Circle up at the top deck, disclaimer given

This sequence YHC found on the F3 Rucking Facebook page:

  • Peter Parkers
  • Parker Peters
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Alternating right leg / left leg up
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans
  • Makhtar Ndiayes
  • JLOs
  • All above x 10 IC except the last 2 were x 5 IC

The Thing:

Partner up.  Size does not matter.

  • Partner 1:  Overhead press with block x 25 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Elbow plank
  • Flip flop and repeat-o
  • Partner 1:  Block swings AMRAP
  • Partner 2:  Run down 1 full level (I.E. until you are on the same side of the building, just 1 level lower) and back
  • Flip flop and repeat-o until 200 (audible) 150 swings achieved as a team
  • Plank while waiting

Pair up with another team.  Make a nice 2 x 2 stack with blocks.

  • 1 Pax jump up onto blocks x 25 OYO
  • Everyone else:  Elbow plank (Later:  Substitute LBCs as needed)
  • Repeat-o until everyone jumped

Find your original partner again for:

  • Partner 1:  Hand-release-Mericans AMRAP
  • Partner 2:  Run down a half level and back
  • Flip flop and repeat-o until 100 (audible to 75 maybe?) Hand-release-Mericans achieved
  • Plank while waiting

Everyone for some block work on the top deck:

  • Block swings x 20 OYO
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Block swings x 20 OYO  Nope, Q was too smoked
  • Slow deep block squats x 10 IC
  • Block swings x 20 OYO  Nope, Q was too smoked
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Block swings x 20 OYO  Nope, Q was too smoked
  • Block curls x 10 IC
  • Block swings x 20 OYO  Nope, Q was too smoked
  • In fact there were a few short runs thrown in there ^ to break up the upper body work

Use the stairs to return blocks.  Quadraphilia back to the cars for Mary.


  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • May have been 1 more, not sure. 

Recover, recover; a generous 1 minute early!  We covered 1.27 miles according to Strava, which was actually more than intended.


  1. We prayed for Crocs' Dad and family. 
  2. Thank you Crocs for the opportunity to lead.  But man, some of those things cannot be unheard!!
  3. Carpet Bagger sees the audibles for what they are – a result of a Q with soccer arms!
  4. Thank you Something for the cold brew that wasn't a one year old probably skunked beer that was sitting in my fridge for a long time.
  5. Appreciate the run with Camelback and Pit Stop.  Great crew here on Wednesday nights.
  6. HB thanks for doing more than your fair share of work as my partner.  It looked better on paper but in reality YHC was burned out quickly.
  7. Good seeing you twice this week Jaws and I can certainly see why Night Ranger is part of your steady F3 diet.
  8. Freedom noticed YHC actually drove over a sidewalk to get into the Taco parking lot but thankfully kept that embarrasing blunder to himself…er wait no…
  9. Burning Bush solid work last night.  The pictures from the weekend Savage Race looked awesome, apologies I didn't get to hear the story yet.
  10. Had a conversation with Yogi – who is Swanson's Dad.  Yogi volunteers at Rural Hill, so we were chatting about concerts held there and other events.  YHC couldn't help but admit guilt that it was F3 runners who likely caused the downfall of one of their gates.  See back in 2016-2017 ish we used to have to hop a gate on the River Rat Saturday run.  Eventually they replaced that gate with one that has a nice cut-through area for runners.  YHC offered a donation to help pay for the costs but Yogi graciously declined.  It was nice to meet you, maybe Swanson can get him registered on the website.

Appreciate you gents!
