Night Ranger Splits up the Monthly Run

  1. FNG 1 is an actual FNG
  2. FNG 2 is Speedo
  3. FNG 3 is PB&J

10 Runners of 2+ to 5 miles in the heat, humidity and rain

Jenny, CrabLegs, JingleBells, Jaws, PitStop, Camelback,  CarpetBagger, Speedo, Swanson, Cherry Bomb

Here is the story of the Pax who stayed for a Toys, Rocks and Blocks CrossFit Workout

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH X25 IC
  • Diamond Merican X6 IC
  • Mountain Climber X20 IC 
  • Shoulder stretches
  • Slowsy to the 1st Floor where the toys awaited

The Main Thang

  1. Rounds 1 and 2 were timed off the person doing the Battle Ropes:
    1. Battle Ropes X50 OYO
    2. Cinder Block Shoulder Press AMRAP
    3. Freddie Mercury with resistance band around legs AMRAP
    4. Jump Rope AMRAP
    5. 20 lbs curls standing on Bosu Ball
    6. Cinder Block Skull Crushers
  2. Round 3 went to the Rock Pile
    1. Select a rock
    2. 8 count burners X10 IC
    3. Line up shoulder to shoulder – do the following down and backs
      1. Squat and forward toss
      2. Turn around – squat and toss over the back 
    4. Slowsly back to the toys
  3. Rounds 4 and 5 were back to the toys – we used the Slam Ball as the round timer
    1. 40 lbs slam ball OYO to 15  
    2. 25 KB Lunge – curl – press AMRAP
    3. Large Cinder Block Chest Press AMRAP
    4. 20 lbs body ball Russian Twist
    5. 100 lbs Rogue band back pulls
    6. 60 lbs Rogue band upright rows
  4. Put away the toys and cinder blocks
    1. Slowsy to the Top Deck of the Parking Lot for Mary
    2. Kneeling Dying cockroaches X10 IC
    3. High plank – opposite arm leg up, flapjack
    4. WW2 X10 IC
    5. Pretzel Crunch X8 IC L then R 
  5. Recover Recover
  6. Wait for the runners to come in – circle up, BOM, prayers out

Nekked Man Moleskin

  • 9 Lives is always entertaining.  He is also a madly skilled jump roper, and rather finicky about starting position and counting all that stupid leadership stuff. 
  • PB&J looks like he had fun.  The weights are a nice addition to that runners frame. 
  • Freedom crushed the weights as always.  I sensed 'some' discontent from the back to back shoulder and back exercises in Rounds 1 and 4.  I may be understating that last proclamation
  • His FNG was a great sport.  the 40 lbs slam ball in 90% humidity is no trifling matter but he kept working.  Keep coming back!
  • Burning Bush opted out of the run to hang and paid the price.  But Bush always handles it with a smile.   Great work brother (sell the boat).
  • See you feels for Beernado in two weeks.  It sounds awful.