Nightranger says Goodbye to Summer and Shoulders and Core

A summer tradition was born in the Dog Days of August – the 3rd Thursday of the month – we do a pool based workout at Crocs.   Pizza appears at the end of the workout and a few calories are handed back to the workout gods for continued health. Here is the story..

The Standard

Crocs and Pit Stop cruised out quickly while Jaws, Freedom, Carpetbagger and YHC trailed – turn around at 1.1 miles and cruised home.   YHC is trying to pick up speed so we did alternating quarter miles hard runs on the way back in. 

Warm O'Rama

  • Grab a comfortable weight and a challenge weight and circle around the pool
  • SSH IC X11
  • Merican IC X10
  • Shoulder stretches (DANGER WILL ROBINSON!)

The Main Thang

  • The famous split stance back pull, back down, into a snatch, into a press X10 IC, flap jack, repeato
  • On your 6, hip bridge, with one leg in the air, single arm chest press X10 IC, flap jack, repeato
  • Holding the weight in both hands – on your six – do an overhead pass while holding legs 6 inches off ground X10 IC
  • Cardio Break #1 – 8 runners did the 1/4 mile down and 1/4 mile back to the greenway while Crocs chose the pool cardio option – we even threw in a Native American Run on the way back up hill to get the 'ole heart rate' moving
  • Back to the weights we go
  • Reverse lunge chops X8 IC, flap jack, repeato
  • One Knee single arm overhead Arnie Press X10 IC
  • Concentration curl on one knee with the elbow pressed into the inside of your leg X5 IC
  • Flap Jack on Arnie Press and Concentration curl
  • Cardio break #2 – into the pool while Jenny, Crocs and CarpetBagger chose the run – roughly four minutes of water aerobics and running ensued
  • Get back around the pool and back to the weights
  • We did all of the exercises above in different order and added certain twists like holding a medium weight in the off arm while single arm pressing with the other arm.  We all agreed that was fairly awful. 
  • Pizza showed while in the last sets so….

Recover, recover

  • Pizza and beers were held after
  • Carpetbagger wondered about the right balance of cardio and weights in an F3 workout – I think a little mix up is good, and argues that there were plenty of cardio options available in F3
  • Crocs fireplace and pool were warm and welcoming.   We will need to find a new fall locale to try and equal the pool.
  • Camelback 'may' have tried to slow down the run to little avail
  • Jenny remains the most reliable counter in F3 despite his bright orange vynil weight.   He was also kind enough to let us see the red Shelby he is working on.   Thats a work of art. 
  • Freedom and Carpetbagger slayed the weights.   I never feel like I worked them hard enough. 
  • Pitstop, Jenny and Something were nearly injured when YHC broke the water suction cup between his back and the pool deck which made an awful wet fart sound.