Per the request of countless written complaints to the board, they have asked that I start referring to myself as "Mail Person".  Word is the complaints came mostly from the next town south of Race City.  Not confirmed but rumored. 

I did not want to post this morning. I was warm in my bed.  I was still a little hazy from the hazy I had partaken in the night before. My phone told me it was in the low 30's as predicted.  To top it all off, I had no plan for the workout as I typically do not.  But, I dragged my lazy a*s out of bed not to let down the merry men I'm sure would be waiting with baited breath for some pre-dawn festivities.  I asked everyone to bring a head lamp as the mean streets of the 117 are dark at that time.  

5:30am, the shirts came off.  Ape, Goodell, Lady Bug, decided to continue with the CSAUP Iceman Challenge.  I can't believe they continued this in the 34 degree tundra.

Mosey across the street to the origianl Wednesday location.
SSH x20
Windmill x15
IST x10

Mosey to a parking lot.  
Squats, bear crawls, etc
Run to next parking lot working our way to Iron Thunder
Mericans, bear crawls, etc.  
Mosey to Iron Thunder.

Top, Bottom Top
Top 1 was at the top of the long hill by BWW.  
Everytime you pass the bottom, 2 burpees
Everytime you cross 
Top we did an assortment of exercises.  
Top 2 was the smoking section by Iron Thunder.  
We did a variety of mericans each time. 

Mosey home to the A.O.

1.  The shirtlessness has really gotten out of hand.  I say they all get a patch and promise not to take them off any more.  Ever.  
2.  Cupcake and I are very uncomfortable with the proximity of such shirtless Pax members.  Especially Cupcake, which is comical to see him run away like a housewife in the Tom & Jerry cartoon running from a mouse.  
3.  As we approached the turn right towards Iron Thunder, Cupcake suggested "hey lets run that hill."  So this is all his fault.  
4.  Lear found out I was leading and disappeared quickly….only to re-emerge as we approached the A.O. to scare the crap out of some of the Pax.
5.  Coffeeteria was indoors at a local establishment.  They shall remain nameless as I don't want our communist Governor shutting them down.  Regardless, they reminded us that "masks are the law, ya know."
6.  The cool breeze at the top of the new hill wasn't that bad (says the guy wearing three layers).
7.  HDHH tonight.  Party Saturday.  Orphanage clean up Saturday.  

