No BBQ, bourbon, or beer but merkins and killer Bs were supplied

Here is the way things we down:


Mosey to back of parking lot, circle up, and disclaimer given.


Warmed up quickly with:

25x IC SSH

20x IC mountain climbers

15x OYO Apollo Ohno’s per side


 The Thang


400m run (.25 mile)


20x OYO pull ups

15x IC diamond merkins

20x IC Freddie Mercury’s 

50x OYO jump squats


Mosey to cones set up in parking lot.  


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to first cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to second cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to third cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Bear crawl to the fourth cone and then mosey back toward pull up bars


25x IC Merkins

25x IC LBCs

25x IC Squats


400m run (.25 mile)


20x OYO pull ups

15x IC diamond merkins

20x IC Freddie Mercury’s 

25x IC squats


Mosey to cones set up in parking lot.  


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to first cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to second cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Broad jumps x 10 YDS to third cone

Burpees x 10 OYO

Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges) x 10 OYO

Big Boi Situps x 10 OYO


Bear crawl to the fourth cone and then mosey back toward pull up bars


25x IC CDDs with feet together and nose to ground (Toxic’s suggestion)

25x IC LBCs

25x IC Squats


Mosey back to cars


Circle up for Mary

Side LBCs 10x IC per side (Carpetbagger)

Burpees 5x OYO (Crocs)


Recover Recover 




COT- Thanks for leading us out Toxic




Hard work was put in by all. 


Mumblechatter was intermittent. Must have been a good breath sucking workout.


Nacho Libre nice working out with you for the first time today. Strong work.


Rocket tried to avoid burpees by DonHo only to have to do them with this workout.


Toxic has promoted himself to exercise police officer.


Crocs apparently only gets credit for the 5 burpees he called.


Carpetbagger came and pushed himself despite doing an adventure race this morning. Awesome job. He also is cordially inviting you to Gladiator and NightRanger (beer, taco, and pizza).


Ultraman, Amen, and Cherrybomb always a pleasure to share the gloom with you gents. Great job today.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Cherrybomb.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie