No Burpee Ball at Excelsior

Event Date

Mar 16, 2019

5 pax found their way to F3 Excelsior but couldn't muster anything more than a recovery run. There was plans for a new run with pain, Burpee Ball (coming soon to an AO near you), but probably need 8-10 pax to make it fun so we did what you do at F3 Excelsior. Out to Jim Kidd rock and back. Tantrum lost both lungs before we got to the top of the first hill. Heal up brother. Rooter hung in and got his warmup for the Estate. Dallas, Honeybee, and YHC rounded out a morning of fellowship. Thanks for joining and thanks to Tantrum for the opportunity to Q at F3 Excelsior (and for swapping Qs with YHC). Until the next time…