No burpee oath at FKT

I promised a no burpee FKT and I delivered…mostly.

All rep counts are 20. If it’s a left/right exercise, each side counts as one. I don’t want to hear any more about it. That’s the only instruction you get.

Cut through the golf course to the bottom of Knox Hill.

  • Bottom: Bonnie Blairs
  • First Intersection: High Knees
  • Second Intersection: Squat tucks
  • Cul de sac: Broad jump burpee the width

Run down Knox Hill.

  • Bottom: WW2s
  • First Intersections: Mtn Climbers
  • Second Intersection: Double hand release exploding merkins (show to know)
  • Cul de sac: Bear crawl the width and back

Repeato the above two circuits, run back to home. Do exactly 1 burpee when back. 4 miles total and a lot of explosive movements.

  • Jobe, Swingy, Slingy, Swiftie, Frodo, Enron, Matlock, and CB for either a run standard or a core standard, or a bit of both. Strong work gents.
  • Pit Stop woke up early and crushed it.
  • Crocs and I made a deal and honored it (for the most part).
  • Ich first FKT, looked like he’s done it before.
  • Ducky repping the whole of Beckett.
  • AMPM as strong as ever, and on time to cap it off.

Seriously guys, thanks for the strong showing. Got a good workout and a great time with my bros.