No Burpees

14 men rose to the occasion this morning.


10 Long Snappers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Slow Windmills IC

The Thang:

Bataan Death March up to to front entrance of the park and over to the rock pile. Indian run style, but last man drops and does 5 Mericans before sprinting to front.

Ladder from rock pile up to stop sign and back down. Rock curls at the bottom, squats at the top.

Merican time bomb from 6 down to 1.

Full curls x 10
Skull crushers x 10
Shoulder press x 10

Death March to the wall

Peoples Chair
Air Press x 10 IC
Balls to the Wall
Rocky Balboa’s x 25 IC

Mosey to the park

Incline Mericans

Mosey Back to launch

Mobility Moment courtesy of Deep Dish

Freddie Mercury – Little P

Good crowd this morning. Jazz Hands was back and made his presence felt. Burpees were nowhere in sight, promise fulfilled to Dingo.

FNG-1 is Pushpot

Thanks to the Triumvirate for the opportunity to Q, and to the solid group of guys that
showed this morning. It’s always a privilege to lead.

Little Professor
