No Burpee’s, but plenty of pain

Event Date

Sep 03, 2016

On a beautiful morning where it was 65 degrees at go time, 5 truly strong men showed for a last minute Firestone Q. YHC determined to branch out from the Burpee stereotype.

Run around parking lot with high knee, butt kickers, and carioca.

  • good mornings X 15
  • cotton pickers X 10
  • Imperial Storm Trooper X 15
  • Mountain climbers X 10

The Thang:

  • Mosey to entrance road for 40 yard sprints with exercises at each end
  • 40 yard dash – no rest  and straight into group exercises- all in cadence unless otherwise noted (questionable accuracy)
    • 40 yard sprint
    • Merking X 10
    • 40 yard sprint
    • deep squats X 20 (single count)
    • 40 yard sprint
    • Dry Docks X 15
    • 40 yard sprint
    •  Jump squats X 20 (single count
    • 40 yard sprint
    • wide merkin X 15
    • 40 yard sprint
    • power ups X 20 (single)
    • 40 yard sprint
    • Diamond merkins X 10
      • 20 LBC for short recovery
    • dry docks X 10
    • 40 yard sprint
    • jump lunges X 15 (Single)
    • 40 yard sprint
    • shoulder tap merkins X 10
    • 40 yard sprint
    • Power ups X 15 (single)
      • LBC X 20 for short recovery
    • 40 yard dash 
    • Deep squats X 15
    • 40 yard dash
    • Merkins X 10
      • Dying Cockroach X 15

PAX line up on curb facing curb across the road for Curb Crawls:

  • PAX line up on curb
  • bear crawl to other curb and do incline merkins on curb
  • back and forth starting at 10 and going to 1
  • LBC X 20

Are  you kidding? 1/2 hour left!

PAX mosey to pull-up forrest:

  • PAX grab a place on the pull-up bar
  • Start at 5 pull-ups and then drop for 5 merkins. Go 5 to 1 pull-up and Merkin

PAX mosey to baseball field (avoiding Geese) for grass drills and 40 yard dashes in honor of football season:

  • Line up by access road in baseball outfield looking at infield
  • PAX do stutter steps until Q says down. PAX do up and downs. This repeats as many times as Q says down until Q says go. PAX do sprint to fence on other side of infield.
  • Rinse and repeat
  • Dying cockroach X 15

Mosey to rock pile:

  • Parnter up and grab one non traveler for both to use
  • Partner faces each other.
  • One partner does ten curls while other parnter squats – passes rock to other partner who does 10 while other parnter squats – this repeats from 10 to 1 (by 1's)
  • Partners go back to back. partner curls and passes rock around to side to other partner. This goes from 10 to 1 by 2's.
  • Run down sidewalk to end by entrance and back up to rock pile
  • Low Flutter X 20
  • Partners line up face to face and pass rock back and forth doing shoulder presses 10 to 1. Other partner doing squats in between.

Mosey to right front corner of church for the last leg of work-out:

  • Circle up for Merkins X 10 in cadence
  • Run to next corner
  • J-Slow X 12
  • Run to next corner
  • hand release merkins X 10
  • Run to final corner
  • Modified W X 10

Mosey to front of church for short mary:

  • Delerious by this point and only remember that Zuul ended us with a 30 second leg lift hold that lasted for a minute.


  • What an amazing morning. 65 degrees at start – low humidity – sunny – light breeze
  • Great to see Swedish Fish and MacBeth show after a long hiatus from the Beacon.
  • YHC followed through on the no Burpee promise although up/downs are simalar, they are technically not Burpees. Thanks for your back-up MacBeth. YHC was going through slight Burpee withdrawals but with the help of my BAA (Burpee Addicts Anonomys) work and God I was able to resist.
  • Very little mumble chatter after the 40 yard dashes from hell with no rest between the 12 rounds.
  • YHC estimates we did around 
    • 255 Merkins
    • 85 Curls
    • 55 shoulder presses
    • 150 squats
    • 14 – 40 yard sprints
  • There were times where it appeared that LaBon was gonna fall out but it was very strong work from all of you!


– There is this thing called the DELTA on September 24th. We need to create teams or write a check to support this awesome ministry.

– Prayers:

  • Suitcases family as they grieve the loss of their 17 year old daughter to brain cancer
  • Olive and the Latini family as they continue to grieve and deal with constant trauma triggers from the loss of their little girl. They will not be OK for a while so we must continue to be consistent in our support and prayers.
  • Prayers for Junk's wrist healing quickly

It was an honor to lead this morning!