No crying over spilt milk

After some wayward preblasting, the week of stray kicked off at 0515, or 0530 or 0545 whatever you chose all were welcomed.  Gnarly Goat and Gambini even started with a #standard.  Though YHC is 99% sure they started running when I pulled up, so they got about 75 yards worth of running in…..but that still counts.

Warm-a-rama:  traditional style with some movement containing dynamic warmy things like karioka, high knees and butt kickers.   As per protocol we did SSHx15ic followed by ISTx10ic followed by Windmillx10ic.  Pretty sure I threw a set of merkinsx10ic for good measure.

The thang:  some partner exercises comprised of some dora sets and some timed sets.  Complimented with mobility minutes and pax growing through tackling a topic (crying over spilt milk).

  • Mosey to the men's yuppie clothes store (Jos A Banks or something like that)
  • Dora:  one partner running around a section of the parking lot while other partner does LBC up to 200 then CCD to 100.
  • Crocs led us in mobility moment of pigeon while we talked about what is "crying over spilt milk" and how do you recognize it in yourself and in others.  **Plan was to then do another mobility moment later on and talk about what to do when in that crying over spilt milk rut, but Crocs kept stretching and the pax kept rolling so we talked about all of it right there.
  • Mosey back to near Chipoltle. 
  • 2min timed:  partner 1 merkins, partner 2 freddy mercury……swap when one gets tired, etc
    • YHC had to tell Soprano to act like he was tired and switch with Talking Heads as 2 minutes of merkins was nothing for him.
  • Gnarly Goat made some random noises that represented a 10 count.   
  • 2min timed:  partner 1 slow squat, partner 2 WW2 situps (or something else if I misremembered)…..swap when one gets tired, etc.
  • Jedi led us in a mobility moment doing some inverted double reverse triple lindy pretzel, that felt surprisingly good.
  • Mosey to the Fleet Feet with a spontaneous game of human frogger 
  • Dora:  one partner runs to the stop sign while other partner does dips up to 200.
  • ****audible for safety.  Pure Barre 0600 class was no joke coming hot and ready to turn the pax in to speedbumps
  • Lungewalk up parking lot
  • Mosey back to AO start

Mary:  Gnarly Goat led an exercise or two while YHC got his phone for namorama.  Jedi led a bit more mobility to close us out.

COT happened

A lot of moles got skinned today:

  • Nothing is more stray than pax randomly popping up throughout the workout.  Partway through Jedi comes from nowhere like the butler from Mr Deeds (you forgot about the sneaky sneaky sir).  Then later AM-PM is like "hey guys what are we doing, what did I miss?"   And a flyby from Frogger and Crab Legs getting their miles in.
  • Great mumblechatter out there today.   YHC laughed a handful of times.  Shamefully I cannot recall them (soundoff in comments).  I do recall something about the bigger the pickle the more the pounding hurts (Hippie I think?).
  • Crocs is the kingpin of #refusniks and I love him for it.  In prior Q's, YHC ran an experiment — can we stifle him with positive reinforcement, can we stifle him with negative reinforcement?  Today YHC threw both at him.  Give him freedom to lead a mobility moment with promise of more later, and then do Dora and Timed exercises that remove any element of control he has.  Overheard Crocs mumbling to Jedi that the plan was successful.  (You're welcome Isotope ).
  • Macarena brought a great attitude and mumbelchatter.  Awarded a $10 starbucks gift card to give it away to somenone whom he sees overcoming a "spilt milk" situation.  While only one gift card was given out, I encourage you all to still be observant of others and encourage them when they decide to not cry over spilt milk but instead steam that milk and turn it into a 5 pump venti mocha latte with extra whip.
  • Thank you for humoring YHC with the lead this morning.  Hopefully it was a good workout for all; pushing some, giving just enough for others, but quality 2nd F thoughout.
  • Good discussion on crying over spilt milk.  The phrase comes from a book or proverbs written in 1659.  The premise is that there isn't any use crying over something that has already happened.  This was important to YHC to bring up as I had actually found myself in a rut of complaining over little things that I could no longer control, and it was brought to my attention that it had become something that was negatively affecting my life in other areas. ****#PSA:  get you someone in your life who loves you enough that they are willing to call you out on your crap and help grow through it.  Spouse, shieldlock, friend, mentor, someone.  Just do it.
  • Some learnings from the discussion:
    • Let me preface we are talking spilt milk here.  If you are going through something major, please seek help.  Big events are different.  It is okay to be overwhelmed and complain in those instances because you are just that, overwhelmed and overcome.  Seek help.
    • Crying over spilt milk keeps you focused on the past and not on the possibility of the future.
    • It may be tough to recognize because it is a slow fade into becoming a way of life (complaining about the past).  So make sure you have a barometer — journal/diary, accountability partner, etc
    • When talking to someone in that scenario, help point them to positive points of view
    • Many times we avoid people who cry over spilt milk because we don't want them harshing our vibe.  Well, they may need you to hold a mirror in front of them so they see it.  Don't let the moment pass by to help someone out.
    • After workout, Bel-Air mentioned that it is like the law of attraction — what you put out there the universe will bring to you. So if you are constantly crying over spilt milk then the universe will continue giving you spilt milk.  And the same works if you react positively.   
    • Don't buy in to the law of attraction thing?  That's okay, the logic still holds in this case.  Don't believe me, smile at people and they will smile back.  Scowl at people and they will avoid you or if forced to interact, they won't be pleasant.  
    • All this fits in the auspices of #GYMR (get your mind right)
  • Most all pax stayed for #MondayMorningQB which was cool.  Each pax shared a learning from church yesterday.  This was worth the price of admission, I got a great lesson during MMQB that I will take with me:  Crocs was talking about having to take care of yourself and ensure your cup is full to be able to take care of others.  Being a guy who used to travel ever week I always think of "put on your oxygen mask before assisting others."   But Macarena painted a great word-picture related to F3.  When we mosey, Crocs gets out in front, he stretches his legs and lungs and his cup runneth over, then he circles back to get the six and is able to pour himself out to help them.  Others are in the middle and  maybe it takes the full run to fill their cup or they can only partly circle back and give only so much.  It is all good.  Great lesson Macarena!
  • Berean complete.  Week of Stray rolls to FKT for a WIB that will challenge all.  Focal topic of the WIB and leadership point is The Butterfly Effect.  I look forward to seeing you there, or if not, please enjoy another AO.