Mother nature was kind to the BBBrogateers this morning, with temps in the low 50's at launch time. Dr Dolittle's truck in the parking lot at 6:29 with no sign of Dr Dolittle, so YHC waited for the standard to finish. He appeared from the darkness and we set off on the warm up walk. Our loop consisted of a debrief on the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon he just completed and all of the aches and pains that came with complleting the longest run of his life – congrats on the strong finish bro!
Back at the launch pad, Finkle was waiting as expected. We were light on the regulars today, if it happens again we'll send out the search teams. In any case, the mats were unrolled and the stretching began. On our feet for mostly leg stretches and some shoulders. Then down to the mat for plenty of child's pose, cats, cows and varioius other animals.
- We tried to work in a few of the poses Hefty brought to us last week, with each member of the group feeling a different muscle group being stretched, including eye lids
- Finkle used the word 'penetrating' in describing a pose, at which time the record skipped and the room went silent, please add that word to the BBBroga 'no fly zone' – it's off limits
- Dr Dolittle has been a trooper the entire time we talk about Cobra Kai. It's bad enough YHC hasn't watched it, but Dr D doesn't even have Netflix – smart move sir, avoid the poison altogether.
Fun stuff this morning gents. Pleasure to lead. Namaste, Bertha