No gasoline needed when you have fission

Event Date

May 13, 2021


In a time of energy crisis 6 hard-chargers turned to that ever-available energy:  FISSION!

We put on our Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes and rambled down to the mainline Methodist Church.  It's a little known fact that when John Wesley climbed the steps to the church to nail his thesis to the door he was actually carrying a sandbag, so we recreated the Wesley Walk.  Sole sandbagis.   It's also a historical fact that just after Moses threw down his staff before the Pharoah, his buddy Vern tossed down his slam ball before the Pharoah, so we did that too.  We also carried the wood of the cross, fell prostrate (and then pushed ourselves back up), and we ran through the valley of death.  There were many other signs that befell us, and there was much wailing and grinding of teeth (wait, that was just Canuck).  On they way back to launch we pushed the Ark of the Goat (with the Goat actually in there).  All in all it was a morning of Biblical proportions.  Coffeeteria was exhilirating as always.  Pax tibi men.

Goat sends.