No Gimmicks Here

Event Date

Jun 13, 2020

Add Pavarotti to the Pax list


10 Pax entered the Mighty Jungle this fine morning.  The humidity was down and the spirits were high.


Brief Thang:


Jog-o-rama and grab a block


SSH X 100


Downward Dog


The windmill




Man-Maker ‘Merican


Slow Squat


Little Mosey


The full Curl




The American Push-up


Zamperini toward the school


Blocks down for The Kakalacka-choo-choo (or something like that) 2 X through


Zamperini to the school


People’s chair w/ air press




Carolina Dry Docks




Carolina Dry Docks


Little Mosey


Zamperini to the fountain


Jump-squat time bomb (7)


The full curl


The skull crusher


‘Merkin time bomb (7)


Zamperini to mobility moment sponsored by Omaha


Zamperini to the pull-up bars


10 pull-ups and 10 burpees


10 chin-ups and 10 burpees


Zamperini back to original COP


The High Curl




Jump-squat time bomb (5)


‘Merkin time bomb (5)


Replace the blocks and mosey back to the start


MARY by Pavarotti, Rocket, Top gun, Special Sauce


Naked Moleskin

Omega brought 2 dogs today.  Because “Bailey come” wasn’t ever enough.  “Baxter come” is the new mantra.  Baxter is no tripper; he’s a tackler.


Toxic was allowed to talk because we had fewer than 15 Pax.  Boo!


Pavarotti rode his bike in just in time.  It’s nice to live 2 minutes away!


Thanks to Omaha for the stretch interlude.  He was in his element in those moments.  (and only in those moments)


I’ve started wondering why Sauce posts at workouts…,he just does what he wants any-damn-way.  Q be damned.


I enjoyed it Gents.
