No Groin No Foul

Event Date

Aug 27, 2016


5 at SVU for a little bit different BEATdown.  YHC has been recovering from a groin injury for the last few weeks, so the workout was tailored to no groin type exercises…or at least not many.  Plus, thought we do a little pool work.  (all agreed we should do more before the year is out)  Atlantis? can you help us out?

Small crowd.  Some guys went to the 5-year ISOtope workout; some down at Mustang for some hill running ahead of the workout.  Plus, my pb mentioning the pool have have skeered some away.  I don't know.  We had a good time amongst the pain.  Here's how it went down.


  • 20x SSH
  • 10x windmills
  • neck rolls (5 each side)
  • waist rolls (5 each side)
  • 15x merkins
  • 10x ISW
  • 10x Carolina Dry Docks

Back to the Back:

  • max pull ups
  • 20 squats
  • 2/3 max pull ups
  • 20 squats
  • 1/3 max pull ups
  • 20 squats
  • partner up and each team grab a block

Mosey to the clubhouse (1/2 mile, with 33# block, partners share as needed:

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • 4 or 5 rounds of 4-corners (20 curls, 20x LBC's, 20 hanging rows, 20 merkins)
  • Pool Work (shoes, socks, shirts off, 2 guys carry blocks overhead the length of the pool, no blocks get wet, hand off to 2 other guys who return it, keep doing that a bunch, several half laps swum in between rounds) #ShoulderQuiver

Mosey back to the AO, sharing blocks along the way.

2 take blocks back, 3 do some Boulder Shoulder work, #LastStraw


  • 20x Dippy Birds (10 each side)
  • 15x Freddie Mercury
  • 10x low plank Peter Parkers
  • 20x 'merican hammers

Reflection:  Psalm 119: 9-11

  • "How can a young man keep his way pure?
    By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts]. 
    With all my heart I have sought You, [inquiring of You and longing for You];
    Do not let me wander from Your commandments [neither through ignorance nor by willful disobedience].
    Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart,
    That I may not sin against You."
  • notice that the verse is a palindrone with 911 and 119, easy to remember
  • note the responsibility to keep watch on ourselves; to reflect and consciously
  • according to His word; not what we want to be the standard
  • conforming – changing our ways to His ways
  • have I sought Him with all my heart?  time to renew some focus and commitment
  • I like the reminder that wandering can be due to ignorance or willful disobedience
  • Do I treasure his words; treating them with care and understanding them to the core?
  • I found lots to chew on with this verse.  Hopefully, you guys do too.  Let me know if you want to chat about this topic or other Biblical things.  Part of the value of brotherhood is the help one another.  Don't be afraid to lean.  Is pride preventing you from being who you were made to be?


  • Abrams does a can opener in the pool at the end.  I had to join him.  Fun stuff.
  • About half-dozen folks swimming at the pool at 7:30.  Good to see that.  Not sure what they thought about us with our blocks.
  • Good work by all throughout the workout.  I was really feeling it on the last 2 rounds of the circuit.
  • It was interesting on the max pull ups that I used 15 as an example, and then that's what I accomplished.  Wonder if I had said 18 if I could have max'ed at 18.  Never underestimate the power of your words and thoughts.  Consider using vocabulatory that doesn't limit you or Christ's work through you.
  • Thought about Anvil at the GoRuck Tough event in CLT overnight…he's going to be in recovery mode for a few days.  #Stud
  • Abrams jokes about renaming the BRR team, The Replacements.  Hope to run with a Denver team next year, for sure.  : )
  • Really an honor to lead today guys.  Thanks for being the guinea pigs with the blocks in the pool.