No Luck Today

Event Date

Mar 17, 2016





10IC Tony Hawks

Lunge walk across parking lot, MB

Tippy toe lunge walk, MB


The Thang:

Jacobs ladder with 5 burpee at top, declining to 1 (Bear Crawl last hill) 

Mosey to back playground, partner up

Group 1:  Since 25 consecutive was achieved without touching ground last time by Clark, we upped the count to 30 Hanging toe touches, each partner to do their 30, if touch ground during set, partner does 5 Burpees, switch after get to 30

Group 2:   Block sets:   10IC Curls, 10IC Skull crushers, 10IC Trifecta

Back to parking lot:

All in plank with weights at one end.  First person does forearm set;  shift right, set of 20 lb, all shift right one spot – 12 Pax made for a long plank

About out of time, was going to do Mary, mention was going to small hill, Dandelion calls out we have time for 1.  Nice call out!

MB back to small hill:

Backwards run up hill




15IC Low Flutter


30 sec superman

10IC LHD right

10IC Reverse toe touch

30 sec Mason Twist



Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."



  1. Bear crawl small hill on last hill run of jacobs ladder initially called out for over achievers, then realized it is on par to do what seems ridiculous at times
  2. Great effort guys, as always
  3. Hanging toe touches seems to be crowd pleaser again
  4. Ducks and fog horns going off during Mary.  Glad I didn't have to sit in it this time.
  5. Appreciate chance to lead.