No matter what age, we got you covered

FNG-1 = 5G, my uncle-in-law from F3 Poway, near San Diego

FNG-2 = Bowser

I expended a year’s worth of creative energy on my last bb, so set the bar real low for this one.

A smattering of dudes with a highly variable age range suppressed their fears of terrible music and posted to Gladiator this morning. After a quick warmarama of the usual suspects, we got our heart rates up with a bonnie blair / burpee blitz.

Now that we were warmed up, we moseyed to the wall for 25 minutes of legs: slow squats, bobbie hurleys, bonnie blairs, reverse lunges, jump squats, glute bridges. If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry! We got plenty of rest…and by rest I mean we did wall sits between each exercise. Very little down time to be sure.

At about the 5th complaint from Mr. Holland, we switched to our 15 minutes of nonstop Mary. Dot the I, mountain climber J LOs, walk the plank, opposite toe touches, negative crunches. And again we got plenty of rest…in the form of WW2s. 120 of them to be exact.


I was very encouraged and uplifted that the makeup of our pax matched the eclectic nature of my playlist. Ages ranged from 16 to 70. In fact, we had 7 decades represented: 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60, and 70s. This accounted for millions of years of life experience (that’s an estimation, that math is impossible, I’m not a scientist).

Here’s a link to the playlist since I know you’re begging for it. Some of the greatest cover song renditions you’ll ever hear. I do wish Qbert was here though, as he would surely disagree and offer up an entirely different cover song playlist.

It’s always and honor, men. Thank you for giving me the honor of leading you today.

