No Mayhem, But Plenty of Turmoil

Pax not registered: Fanny Mae, Whirly

Holiday asked a few weeks ago if I would consider Qing in Davidson. At the time I said yes since I needed information from him and it seemed the easiest way to get that. But as the date approached, I tried to weasel out saying I had a busy week in the office and might not have time to navigate I-77 before and after a workout in The People’s Republic. Good thing Holiday had the heavy hand and made sure I showed as the other guest Q called in sick this morning and the fine pax in this little college town would have been forced to follow Duvall.

Apparently the idea of the out-of-town guest Q is to not have said Q pre-blast the workout but instead have Holiday send parcel post to the local pax letting them know of a mythical creature who would come up from the ghettoes to lead the men. Not knowing that, I may have mentioned that I would be heading up. This earned me severe reprimands from some of the pax, but when I arrived at The Green, I heard some guys asking who was Qing and realized I dodged a bullet thanks to a crowd who has largely avoided the social media revolution.

With Mayhem down for the count, Duvall offered to take half of the crowd, but it was apparent that no one wanted to spend 45 minutes with him so I graciously offered to lead the entire gang. Would they regret their decision? Read on and ask in the comments.


  • SSH x25 IC
  • Hillbillies x20 IC
  • Sumo Squat x20 IC
  • Wind Mill x10 IC
  • Merkin x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Buy-in Burpee (apparently Duvall requires this nonsense)

Following the warm-up, we moseyed to the church parking lot. When asking about coupons, I mentioned sand bags so the early arrivals started grabbing them. As I pulled in towards the six, I had to audible to ensure that half the pax had pavers. Men with pavers at one end of lot; men with bags at the other.

  • Forest-to-Sea: each group bear crawls to midpoint, then returns to start via crab walk.
  • Bear Crawl to center while either pulling sand bag or pushing paver. Switch coupons at midpoint and return to start.
  • Crab Walk to center with your coupon (how you manage is up to you). Switch cpoupons. Return to start.
  • Captain Thor/Jack Webb: blockers do J Webbs (merkins:block press) 1:4 up to 5:20. Sandbaggers do C Thors (WWII situps:American Hammers) to same ratio. Flip flop.

We returned the coupons while I confirmed location of pull-up bars. What I neglected to confirm was whether they were beside a paved lot, well-lighted or in recently mowed grass. (The answer would have been “no” to all three). That would prove to be a #qfail but a good leadership trait is never to let your followers know you have any doubts. Risking an allergic reaction to the tall, wet, fertilized grass we split into groups of three and did the following:

  • Partner A: AMRAP on the pull-up bars (choice of pull-ups, knee-ups, bar hang, etc)
  • Partner B: AMRAP burpees
  • Partner C: 15 hand-release merkins
  • When partner C is done, rotate stations and repeato. Each man does each station twice

Following the calamity of that decision, we made our way back to the green for some time with MARY.

  • Jane Fonda (aka Suzanee Sommers, aka leg raises) x25 IC each leg
  • Bay City Scissors x10 IC (the 8-count exercise proved difficult for these guys so we returned to something more manageable…)
  • LBC x30 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch x15 IC each leg
  • Buy-out Burpee (because Duvall)

And that’s a wrap. We followed with a prayer of thanksgiving which included going around the circle and having each guy offer something he is thankful for. It should serve as a reminder of all the things in this life we each have while realizing that we are not personally responsible for those things, but rather give credit to Our Maker who does not in fact want us to be miserable. To God be the glory.


  • Many thanks to Holiday for asking (and enforcing) about being a guest Q. I’m a big proponent of “intermingling with pax from all sub-regions and truthfully, the remote AOs are not all that remote.
  • Hopefully the other guest Q recovers from whatever nasty bug he picked up over night. It’s always a missed opportunity when you don’t get to hang out with Mayhem in the AM.
  • We were chided about our noise levels at the church. After the workout I heard the “gloom grump” sleeps on his front porch. Not sure that’s fair, but I suppose we’re called to be good stewards in our community so we’ll try to pretend we’re not having a good time.
  • Also heard that Chim Chim was one of the more vocal in the crowd today where normally he is not? If so, I thank you for your #mumblechatter and invite you to join us in Huntersville where smack talking is welcome (and sometimes encouraged).
  • I was under the impression the Davidson boys were #refuseniks when it came to our website. Turns out only two are not registered. #Cobains for thinking poorly of this fine crowd (now just get Whirly and Fanny Mae to sign up!)
  • Kudos to the efforts of these men in getting money and goods to the Forence victims to our east.
  • Thanks to Holiday of the coffee. And to Duvall and Crude for hanging out for a bit at Summit with us. And to Special Sauce for his brief stop to show off his sweaty chest before leaving again.

