No one fights alone in F3 (in loving memory of Nolan J. Wagoner)

Event Date

Jun 13, 2024

FNG1- Elliot now known as F3- Copperhead

YHC rolls up at 5:15 to see Enron doing his band stretches, wasn’t planning on a standard but he got me to join for a little over a mile, Jobe earned bonus points for his 3 mile standard.

5:30 Disclaimer was said to 7 Pax

Before we get started I wanted to dedicate this workout to my brother in law, Nolan, who we lost one year ago tomorrow to mental illness. Men please know that you’re never alone, remember that we are all here for each other, not just ourselves.


  • SSH ICx20
  • Imperial Storm Trooper ICx10
  • Toy soldier ICx10
  • Slow windmill ICx10
  • Carrot puller ICx10
  • Mountain climber ICx10

(Popcorn joins after his 2 mile run from home)

  • Run to benches for step ups x15 each leg

The Thang:

(Partner up for Dora Ladder cause we are in this together)


One partner runs a lap while the other-

  • 44 KB pass under lunges
  • 100 KB swings
  • 200 KB skull crusher
  • 300 KB curls
  • 200 KB squats
  • 100 KB overhead press
  • 44 KB upright row

(It’s not so bad when you’re going through it with someone else)


  • KB American hammer ICx15
  • Flutter kicks w/ KB overhead hold ICx15
  • Pretzel crunch ICx10 each leg
  • Homer to Marge down on 5 ICx10
  • Shoulder tap merkins ICx10

Recover Recover

Count off/ Name-O-Rama

Prayer requests / Announcements

If you are ever feeling alone reach out to me, reach out to a fellow pax, cause you are not alone. Strong team work today men, our Dora Ladder totaled up to be 988 reps. 988 is the suicide and crisis lifeline. That being said, before we close out in prayer, I wanted to take a quick moment of silence for anyone who has lost the battle of mental illness…..

There’s a lot of people out there struggling, please use every opportunity to go out and be the light in someone else’s darkness. Don’t let the hard days win. Everyone welcome aboard Copperhead to F3, way to get after it man, we need more men your age joining us. Over Budget showed us all up with his 45lb weight or was that 55lbs?? Good to have Popcorn back after 2 of the longest weeks of vacation. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today AM-PM.

Nolan James Wagoner

August 12, 2000 – June 14, 2023

Until next time Fellas,

