Not sure why I write the BB for this every week…I’m pretty sure Omaha is retired and either looking for his next house or car online most of the day. Nevertheless, I swam and I want credit for that so I acquiesce.
Omaha said as we left the pool today that we should be grateful that he’s so nice and didn’t hit anyone with a kick board. I think if you dig a little deeper we may have a swim team scandal brewing in the annuls of Purdue University. Although they let Bobby Knight choke kids who played basketball for him so maybe they’re just built different in Indiana.
Here’s what happened at WW
200 warm up
200 kick
100 catch up drill
200 pull
3 x 100’s on 2:20
4×25’s on :45 pull only
2oo pull
3 x 100’s on 2:10
4 x 25’s on :45 pull only
great work today…Caesar is getting faster and faster and if I didn’t do flip turns I couldn’t keep up with him. WMD was moving today on our sprints as well. Omaha has to tie his legs together to even make this workout matter to him and he still does extra 50’s whenever possible. Coach is in a different league.