Zero injuries before, during, and after stretching

Event Date

Jun 19, 2024

8 Pax were present at Stretch Armstrong this morning.

A disclaimer was not given, because all knew YHC wasn’t a professional, nor should anyone get hurt during stretch (except Ultraman last week).

The Thang:

-We stretched

-Recover, Recover


-Coffeteria (Ping joined us!)



Verse-Micah 6:8

-how we should treat others

-connect our faith with our actions and our care for those in need with our walk with God

-God has grace for us even though we are not perfectly obedient

-moves us away from arrogance and the egocentric need to always be better than others, to the simple acceptance of the gifts that God has placed within us

-God wants us to be drawn to mercy

-it is easy for our hearts to harden and our minds to judge


Prayer requests:

-Prayers for Beave as his father had a heart attack and is receiving comfort care in WV.

-Amen’s Dad and nephew are flying overseas. Also, his sons are traveling home from camp.

-Prayers for Hotwax’s youngest child, Natalie who is 10, who hurt herself diving from the 3 meter board during diving swim practice and is at Levine Children’s for a surgery to repair a bleed on her spleen.




The F3 mission statement is “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”. 

F3 5 Core Principles:

Workouts …

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust


There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers).


Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
