No Outlet

Event Date

Aug 07, 2023

FNG-1 is Trojan. He was one of the first pax in the lot and was quick to admit, “it has been a while.” Maybe the interwebs forgot he existed? 

Anyway, everyone eventually showed up either on time or within minutes of the launch (ahem, cherry bomb, ahem). And we got after it…

A little warmup lap around the lot with Karaoke, high knees, butt kickers and side shuffles mixed in. Pax were quick to realize this was gonna be an old school beat down (as hinted in the preblast). A circular warmorama consisted of SSH, IST, Windmills, Hand Release Mericans, Big Arm Circles and Slow Deep Squats (which YHC just learned are called Copperheads, maybe?). 

Then we moseyed to the pull up and dip bars for a quick round of pull ups and revericans (not dips) #DontSkipBackDay. The resident pax, with safety on their minds, mentioned to be careful that the dip bars were loose. In an unrelated note, anyone who wants to fix a steel pipe laying across a short wooden column, we have a volunteer opportunity for you. But anyway, the workout was 4 pull ups, 8 revericans, 3 pull ups, 6 revericans, 2 pull ups, 4 revericans, 1 pull up, 2 revericans. This caused much confusion among the pax and initiated several clarifications.

Commander Run to the first intersection on the left for a No Outlet kinda pain trap. Run to the end of the road stopping at each mailbox on the left for 1 Merican, then 2, then 3, etc to the 13th mailbox. After a regrouping of sorts, run back to the street entrance stopping at each mailbox on the left for 1 Squat, then 2 Squats, then 3, etc etc to 11 (less houses on this side of the street)

Mosey to the bridge over troubled waters for just that type of exercise. Everyone planks with their feet in the wall and hands on the rail as each pax takes turns bear crawling under until everyone makes it through twice. Over the wall for some people’s chair complimented with some heel touches. Then, a completely made up exercise of keeping your hands on the wall while bringing both your feet up on top to one side, then the other side, OYO.

Mosey back to the No Outlet road for another round (using the right side mailboxes as a count) with WW2 Sit Ups to the end (1-11) and CDD back (1-13, or was it 14?)

There was much discussion on how to determine total number of repetitions performed, and of course, Roadie had the scientific answer: N²/N+1 (I think). Tell me I’m wrong.

Final gathering of the MARY sort back at the getaway cars with Low Flutters and Touch Dem Heels.