No Pads Needed

Event Date

Apr 06, 2022

7 strapping studs appeared in the gloom for a beatdown


The usual, SSH, WM, CP, Arm Circles

The Thang:

  • 1,1,2 Curls
  • Side Squat
  • 2 Way Bent Row
  • Cross Body Curls
  • Clean Press
  • Curl, Press, Skull
  • Split Squat


  • Today's workout was performed whilst standing, thus No Pads Needed.  This was an audible by the Q due to moist conditions on the parking lot today.
  • Heels took a tough loss to Kansas Monday despite a 15pt lead at half-time.  Physical game.  3 point loss in the National Championship game for UNC, a bubble team that almost didn't make the tournament at all due to their regular season play. 
  • Deep stretch had a good turn out, due to the re-branding efforts of Natty
  • Some things overheard this morning were "chubs" and "first thing popping up" I think even in the same sentence.   Another comment was "It's better to fix an old car than to buy a used car".
  • Strong work men!