No PB, No Problem

FNG1 – Ramrod from Chattanooga

FNG2 – FacePlant


The rain finally stopped just in time for the monthly 5 miler at Night Ranger that I forgot to post a PB for. The Force, fresh off a QvQ victory that morning came out for what he hoped was a chance to hype up the Pax for his trip to the QvQ 2024 Finals. But the 5 miler had other plans…

Doubles did his usual thing of running the first quarter mile with the Pax, then took off like someone was giving away free airline miles at the finish line. Never to be seen again.

The Force put in strong work for his 6th workout in 3 days, running ~4 miles including the overpass ramp at a strong pace with YHC. Can’t wait to see this guy in the finals!

Freedom continued his ruck based conquest of running AOs

Ramrod, FacePlant, Tantrum, Camelback and Something put in strong miles as well. I think the latter 2 did the full 5, Tantrum keeps his secrets to himself.

Spitfire arrived late hoping to work out, but saw The Force heading for the bar and decided that way a WAY better idea. Cherry Bomb also made an appearance to congratulate The Force on his win and the rest of the Pax on their run. 

Great to see everyone and especially some rarer faces to close out March at Night Ranger. Next week is the return of NiteStick and his toys – don’t miss it!
