No Pokémon on this ark

Event Date

Jul 20, 2016

11 at ELHS 7/20

Not on the list is WildThing (Pronounced WildThang) and Venus.  I also need emails for them so if you have theirs please email it to me.

10 IC Windmills
10 IC Glute Bridge (each side)
15 IC Carolina Dry Docks
10 IC Fire Hydrant (each side)

The Thang

Ark  Loader
Duck walk up + MB
Bear Crawl + MB
Elephant Walk, just kidding, that’s just for UNC Fraternity brothers
Frog Hop up + MB
Dragon Walk +MB

4 Corners Count off into four groups…
Corner 1 – 10 Right Leg Pistol Squats
Corner 2 – 10 Left Leg Pistol Squats
Corner 3 – 10 Pull-ups

Corner 4 – 20 ‘Mericans

Mosey to the back of the school for some vertical work

30 seconds single leg Wall sit, swap sides

30 seconds Balls to the wall

Grab a rock, a big one

5 IC Full Curl
5 IC Shoulder Press
5 IC Skull Crusher

Run to the wall and back

Time left, Quadraphilia

Dr. W
Peter Parker
Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
A few other ab exercises that I can’t remember
Finished with American Hammer


Factoid of the day On this day in 1969, first moon landing

Scripture, completely unrelated to above…

Ecclesiastes 7:20 Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who always does good and who never sins.

All hands on deck convergence at Lincolnton this Saturday.  Invite your Lincolnton friends, or foes.  Foes will run more laps.  Early AM running for all interested.  Plan to run around the hospital before the workout.  I am going to TRY to be there by 0600 and get a good 50 minutes of running in #BRR.

Jolly has the Q at Mustang Aug 20th

Near Future … Abrams VQ