No Preblast, No Problem

Event Date

Jan 09, 2019

Tuesday came and went without any preblast or other indication that a Halflife workout would be happening on Wednesday morning, but that didn't stop 9 pax from showing up promptly at 5am at Bailey Road Park, ready to put in some track work.

(Halflife MQ HoneyBee acutally dropped a note on the MRC Twitter channel at nearly 3am to inform the pax that he was buried in work and would not be able to make it.  You were missed, brother.  Hope you can dig out soon.)

Some of the pax were running 5 x 1000 while others were running 400s and a few were getting base miles.


  • Beetle and Garcia were tearing up the track, going sub-6 on their 1000s.
  • Curd, TBone, and FreePass were also tearing it up, hitting low 6s on their 400s.
  • Turnpike was running in the opposite direction from the rest of the pax.
  • Fenway wasn't feeling 100% and had to bail early.  Feel better, brother!
  • Great work by all pax.  These track work days aren't YHC's favorite, but they always pay off down the road.  Always grateful to have such a great group with which to put in the work.
