No Ragrets at Samson

*FNG-1 = Freedom Trail; FNG-2 = Deep Horizon; FNG-3 = Clutch*

11 gloom warriors stormed out of their fartsacks and had no regrets.  Here’s how they started their day:


Mosey through parking lot, alternating forward, backward, karaoke, and high knees until arriving at the pullup bars.

SSH x 25 IC

IST x 20 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Merkins x 10 IC


Split into two teams and line up at either side of the parking spaces.  Trace the spaces and do 1 burpee after each one.  Plank once finished to allow the teams to fall in.  Switch sides and repeat, now doing 2 burpees each.

Grab a cinderblock and circle up by pullup bars.  The following are OYO, but we roughly did them together.

Pullups x 5

Blockees (burpee with the cinderblock) x 5

Thrusters x 5

Curls x 5

Skull Crushers x 5

Upright Rows x 5

Zamporini (hold CB above your head) and walk to the end of the parking lot and back

Repeato, all cinderblock exercises x 10

Repeato, all cinderblock exercises x 5

Mosey to next parking lot, sprint to end.  Alternate mosey and sprinting through parking lot until we reach the front of “The Box.”

Line up on the curb facing the field, Bear Crawl to opposing curb and Crawl Bear back.  Repeato, Crab Walk to curb and Walk Crab back.

Grab some wall for People’s Chair x 60 secs, with Overhead Air Press x 10 IC. 

Mosey back to cars for a little Mary.


Low Flutter x 25 IC

WWII Sit-up x 10 IC

1 Crisp Clean Burpee


  • Thank you to all you fine men for coming out and working with me this morning.  I was supposed to have this Q last week, but my 2.0 had other plans.  Staying up all night with a toddler with Croup was an event in itself.  Thanks Limburger for swooping in and covering for me on short notice.
  • Speaking of Limburger, we missed you this morning buddy.  Hope you are resting up.
  • Everyone who came out this morning worked hard, it’s always awesome to be a part of.
  • Prayers for Jedi as he continues his post-op recovery. 
  • Project Ten-Fold is live and details are posted on the website.  Whether you have been sitting on a charitable idea but haven’t gotten it off the ground, or are still brainstorming, be sure to look it over and submit your ideas.  This is your opportunity to make a real, sustainable impact on the community.  Don’t let it pass by.  The Pax will choose a winner during the F3 LKN Christmas Party.  Get after it!
  • As always, it’s my honor and privilege to lead you men this morning.  See you again in the gloom.
