No rain? Uh oh…

Not named in PAX list: FNG forever named Bessie, Crawfish

Siri said thunderstorms so YHC planned a under cover WO and then no rain, a nice 73 degrees, with some humidity. Quick audible and away we go.


  • SSH X 20
  • whatever PO calls that modified jack X 15
  • Windmill X 10
  • peter parker X 10

Off we go:

  • Line up beginning of first parking row for Burpee Go Rounds:
    • Partner up
    • Partner one does broad jump burpees around two parking rows while partner 2 runs a lap until he catches partner 1. Repeato until one member of team make it back to the beginning.
  • Line up as individual for sprints around one parking island and circle up for group exercise in cadence.
    • regular Merkins X 10
    • LBC X 20
    • Sprint
    • Diamond Merkins X 10
    • Elbow at side Merkins X 10
    • W X 20
    • Sprint
    • Dry Docks X 10
    • Wide merkins X 10
    • Pretzel Crunch X 20
    • Sprint
    • Shoulder touch Merkins X 10
    • dry docks X 10
    • Low Flutter X 20
    • Sprint
    • YHC is pretty sure the order of that is all jacked up but close
  • Tabata:
    • All exercises were for 40 seconds with 10 second breaks. Total 6 minutes 30 seconds.
      • Burpees, floor slappers, mericans, Jump Lunge, Dry Docks, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder touch mericans, high knees,
  • Mosey to the wall
    • Peoples chair
    • Balls to the wall with Hip Slapper X 10
    • Peoples chair
    • Balls to the wall with Hip Slapper X 6
  • Mosey back by the cars
    • Carolina Dry Merkins X 5
  • Mary:
    • A bunch of AB exercises including Srap trying to call for a mind bender and Q'bert of course wanting to do his Queer'berts.


  • Thanks Cavalier for the suggestion. "Hey, throw some running in with exercises and that will be good". Cavalier and the YHC think alike.
  • The YHC heard someone ask if I needed any ideas. Yes, A for suck, F for inventiveness
  • We figured out that the over/under for Q'bert to take his shirt off is somewhere between 65 and 70 degrees depending on the humidity.
  • Q'bert was killing the sprints. The YHC's excuse is that I was having a hard enough time calling cadence at 75% effort.
  • Good to see Scrapasaurus back out.
  • The YHC is sore and needed short nap when returned home.
  • There are some dedicated folks at the Foundry. A lesser AO would have had fartsackers galore with the slight threat of rain. Great work by everyone.
  • Welcome Bessie! Get signed up on the site.
  • I have learned to position myself away from Q'bert at COT

Thank you Q'bert for the opportunity and honored to lead a bunch of great men.