No-Repeat Friday

12 of LKN's finest and YHC came out to The Cauldron for a no-repeat Friday on the roof of DPK.  The goal was to go the entire workout without repeating any exercise, and it went something like this…



Arm Circles 

Forward Fold Stretch


Long Snapper


Toy Sailor


The Thang

10x or 15x of each:


Low Curls

KB Swings

Cleans – Watch Crusher – Snatch and Press

Goblet Squats (Toxic did the Tea Bag squat)

High Curls

Bent Row – The Bro – Manzier 

Overhead Press

Full Curls

Reverse Lunge

Skull Crusher

Up Right Row – Uh row

Single Arm Swings

Mobility Moment – Low Pidgeon

Around the World

Figure 8

Hot Potato


Suitcase Lift – The Traveler

Lawn Mower

Sling Blade

8 Count Burner

Chest press

Danger zone

American hammer

WW2 with bell



Low Flutter with bell

Low Dolly with bell

Dot the Bell

Suzanne Summers


Mobility Moment – Various sit and reach

The Cobbler


Recover Recover 




Good times had by all.  The music seemed to keep things going and even fit in the exercises at times.  Thanks to The Force for the chance to lead, and hope all is going well with relief efforts in LA. 

Prayers for Joey (Ultraman's 2.0's boyfriend), Frogger's wife, Lawn Dart, Olive, Carpet Bagger, and all the unspoken prayers this morning.  

Now get up, there's work to do. 

TG sends, Aye