No RESPECT No B-day Cake

Event Date

Jun 15, 2020

Seven veteran Pax + one Boar Dog (aka Hurley) enjoyed low humidity and perfect temperatures for a Tagless birthday beatdown. Lego gets extra credit for standard run.



  • Warm-up laps with Karoki, High Knees and Butt-Kickers
  • SSH x 49 IC
  •  ISTs x 15 / IC Cotton Pickers x 10 IC / Mountain Climbers x 20 IC



  • Mosey to Callahan’s Bridge
  • 10 Up & Overs OyO / People’s Chair w/20 Air Press x IC / Bridge Merkins x 10 IC
  • Mosey to Stonemount Rd. Intersection
  • 10 Burpees OyO / Squats x 10 IC / 20 Apollo Onos OyO
  • 43 Merkins to honor Schneider
  • Mosey to clubhouse and select cinderblock
  • Zamperini block to soccer field
  • Bear Crawl to other end of soccer field / mosey back to block / 20 curls OyO / Lap around parking lot
  • Crab Walk to other end of soccer field / mosey back to block / 20 OH press OyO / Lap around parking lot
  • Bunny Hop to other end of soccer field / mosey back to block / 20 skull crushers OyO / Lap around parking lot
  • Broad jump burpees to other end of soccer field / mosey back to block / 20 tea bag squats OyO / Lap around parking lot
  • Pax choice (any of 4 previous movements or lunge walk) / mosey back to block / 20 bent over rows OyO / Lap around parking lot
  • Return blocks and assemble at picnic tables
  • Shoulder Dips x 10 IC / 10 step-ups per leg OyO / Incline Merkins x 10 IC / Decline Merkins x 10 IC
  • Mosey to pull-up bars. 10 pull-ups OyO
  • Mosey back to parking lot



  • LBCs x 49
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC / Rosalita x 15 IC / J-Lo x 10 IC



  • One year closer to RESPECT for YHC and great to see 3 of the 7 Pax in attendance have attained RESPECT.  Toxic and YHC are both in the “49” club, too. Rumor is that Lego is in his 11th year of F3 and is still only 35ish—long way to go for RESPECT. YHC appreciates the example that all of you set and inspiration to accelerate.
  • YHC certainly noticed A LOT of mumble-chatter trying to throw off the count to 49 for SSHs and LBCs. Nothing forces the middle-aged mind to concentrate like the fear of embarrassment from an incorrect count.
  • No one chose another round of broad-jump burpees when given the choice, but no one chose bunny-hops either. #ISI.
  •  Prayers for all those fighting illnesses and those on the frontlines fighting COVID-19.
  • Also, prayers that our nation can work to find common ground, end prejudice of any kind and work together to rebuild trust in each other.
  • Thanks Turncoat for the privilege of leading this great AO.



