No Run, Tons of Fun


Run through parking lot to back by pullup bars: high knees, butt kickers, karaoke left and right (Grab a rock and circle up)

Imperial Stormtrooper x 15

Squat toe touch (r.hand to l.leg and switch) x 10

Rock jumps 30 sec

SSH x 10


Four Excercises each set, decreasing ladder (60 sec, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10)

  • Squat Studder Step (hence forward called the Apollo Creed)
  • Fly Jacks (instead of hands touch overhead, they touch out in front)
  • Burpees
  • Backward lunges (hold rock)
  • 10 Second break, then ladder down

Return rocks and 10 pullups, 'cause we're right next to the damn bars

  1. Mule heel click to jumping heel click (30 sec)
  2. Run in place high knees (30 sec)
  3. Spiderman push up x 8 IC
  4. SSH (30 sec)
  5. 'Merican to Carolina Dry Dock x 8 IC
  6. Run in place high knees (30 sec)
  7. Mountain Climbers (30 sec)
  8. SSH (30 sec)

Repeato but substitute even excericses with Low Flutter x 20 IC

10 pullups again, then circle up by cars

Mary:  J-low x 15, WWII situp x 10, Rosalita x 10, Crunchy Frog x 10, 5 x burpee, slow LBC x 15


  • What can I say, I had a plan, and it was not to run at all!
  • Next time I have the Q, I promise I'll get the excercise names correct.   A Peter Parker is not the same as a Spiderman pushup,  I get it!  
  • I will point out, that it wasn't just me struggling with names, The Row Boat should actually be called the Crunchy Frog!
  • Chestnut, struggling to call Mary made me feel somewhat better about bringing some pain with the workout
  • What do we call it when the Q asks for help with Mary, and b/c BamBam was too slow to draw, another just butts in and calls it out (not sure if was Outlaw "Bang, Bang" or Olive)?
  • A lot of early mumble chatter that the Thang felt like dancing.  To be clear the mumble chatter did not alter what was written on my winkie,  but scanning the PAX I did notice Travolta killing it so there may have been some merit to the chatter!
  • Enjoyed the opportunity to Q and help TyWebb here at TheFoundry.  If you haven't yet, signup and give it try, I'm proof that no expertise required!