No Running



Sally-Merkins (Hand Release)


Move behind cars

Wheel barrow up the parking lot (Alternating with partner)

Crawl bear back down

Plank until failure


Move to front of gym

Freddy Mercury 20 IC

Reverse Crunch 20 IC

Flutter Kick 20 IC

American Hammer 20 IC


Move behind the gym, and grab a block

Wall Sit 2 Min

Chumba Wumba – Block Presses

Ball to the Wall – 1 Min (give or take 59 seconds)

Curls 20 IC

Skull Crushers 20 IC

Rows 20 IC

Merkins 5 More


Return block and move to pull up bar

5 Pull ups – Squats while you wait

5 Pull ups – Carolina Dry Docks while you wait

5 Pull ups – Reverse plank while you wait


Move back to launch pad, crawl bear up the stairs

Wheel barrow up the parking lot (Alternating with partner)



A man with no legs was asked how he stays so positive given his difficult situation. He response "How do you remain so negative with yous" 

Be grateful for what you have


