No running at Arnie’s??

YHC has been hurting recently and was concerned about giving the Pax their money's worth today. There were even RUMORS of no running (?!?!), which may or may not have led to backchannel comments such as "doesn't he know F3 LKN is a men's running group disguised as a men's workout group?" Here is how it all unfolded:


SSH 20x IC 

IST 15x IC

Toy Soldier 15x IC

Mountain climbers 15x IC

Stay in it and stretch calves


Mosey to pull up bars


Pullups 20x

Partner up for Leg throwdowns, 45 seconds each partner

Pullups 15x

Partner up for Leg throwdowns, 30 seconds each partner

Pullups 10x

Toes to the bar or knees to chest 10x

Pullups 5x

Toes to the bar or knees to chest  5x


Mosey to circle at clubhouse entrance

Partner up

Partner 1 Bear crawls around full circle, then Quadrafilia up to top of parking lot, 10 burpees, then mosey back to circle

Partner 2 stays at circle, 50 LBCs then Alternating lunge until partner 1 returns


then Repeato except Partner 2 exercises changed to Al Gore and Low flutter until Partner 1 returns

Lizard merkins 6x IC (YHC could count no more at this point)



Mosey to picnic tables

Dips 10x IC

Bulgarian split squat 10x IC each leg



Line up on field

Partner 1 runs across field and back 2x

Partner 2 does monkey humpers until partner finishes (Ouch. I'd love to know the back story on how someone came up with that exercise)


then Repeato except Partner 2 exercise changed to Alternating lunge

Mosey to parking lot and cicle up for Mary



Crunchy Frog 15x IC

Jane Fonda 25x IC each leg

Plank for 1 minute

Superman for 30 seconds



– Congrats to everyone who put in time and effort on SpeedForNeed, that was an awesome event yesterday

– Lots of prayer this morning: The victims and families of the shooting in Las Vegas, those who are battling cancer which seems to be effecting all of us in one way or another, F3 member BigWheel down in Houston who suffered a heart attack

– On a positive note, I came across this article and wanted to share. It is a write up on the men of F3 Houston and how they have come together to help their community in the aftermath of hurricane Harvey:

Here is a quote in the article from one of the guys:

“There is so much divisiveness right now. Everything has moved to the extreme. There is no room for the moderate voice, the voice of common sense. It’s so needed right now to come together as a community. I don’t know a single person here’s religious or political affiliation and I don’t care,” says duVigneaud while standing in the yard of another Houstonian receiving the help of F3. “We’re here to do things that are in our common interest. To see all of Houston rally to the cause is incredibly inspiring and hopefully will spread out to the rest of the country.”

– Thanks for allowing me to lead you men this morning. I leave you with this scripture from Isaiah 61:1-3:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
    and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
    instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
    instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
    instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
    a planting of the Lord
    for the display of his splendor.