24 Men got stronger at Fission this morning including FNG's Jerry and Michael. lots of runners outhere for standard. I didn't get the count, sound off here. Lots of mumble chatter, you know who you are


SSH x15 IC, Windmill x15, Mountain Climber x15

Mosey. Sauce said " I thought you said were staying around parking lot" and I said parking lot and around 131 main.

Partner Up: Dora style

1. P1 Prisoner Jump Squat while P2 Bear crawl to up hill 3rd light then run back to flap jack. complete x100. Whoa, look my partner is a beast. fast on bear crawl.

2. P1 Split Squat Jump while P2 Lunge walk to up hill turn around at 2nd light the run back to flap jack. complete x200. I heard a lot of " Oh no, Oh sh…, What? " oh well lets keep going. 

3. P1 Merkins (Push Up) while P2 Bunny Hop to up hill then run back flap jack. complete x300. Pirate can't do bunny hop, Arrgh… 

4. P1 LBC ( Little Baby Crunch ) while P2 doing Duckwalk to up hill then run back flap jack x250-300. again Pirate said" what's Duckwalk? ", YHC said "watch and learn from Gnarly Goat , Firefighter duckwalk. right Goat? BTW, we did audible on x300 counts. short in time.

5. P1 Dips x50, P2 Squat x50 flapjack. then mosey back to AO.

Mary: Peter Parker x15, WWII sit up x20 (on your own), Crunchy Frog x15, Elbow Plank 'til RECOVER, RECOVER.


– Huge group this morning and all pax finished strong. Great job by all. this is my largest group so I went to use my workout back up plan, NO RUNNING.

– Tclaps to FNG's Jerry and Michael. Come back to earn your F3 nickname. Double Tclaps to Striker and Stapler for bringing FNG. Aye. let's get them on twitter and F3lkn website.

– It's great to see my BRR #SoCSAUPithurts teammate outhere Bagboy, (Sparkle)Special Sauce, The Count, The Geek, Mayhem & Easy. Thanks for coming.

–  Lots of annoucement F3lknBRR(Basin Race Relay, Mini Me Shag Dance Lesson, Speed for Need 5k, Mayhem is collecting old sneakers, Jersey Boy has The General tomorrow. come out and suppport him. RESPECT.

– Many thanks to The Count for Ehing me 3 years ago. 

– Thanks to Gnarly Goat for taking us out. Prayers for Mexico, Dominican Republic and to others affected by Hurricane and Earthquake.

– I want to thank Hippie for the opportunity to Q at Fission.