No Running in the Fog

A think and spooky post-Halloween fog laid over the gloom, but 15 met faced their fears to join The Force for a semi-safe beatdown.  For safety (and YHC's stress fracture), there would be no running in the fog. To know the weird, often awkward and sometimes painful things we did instead… read on.


Jog/drive to playground, stopping for a cinder block. 

Warmorama  (Overhead claps or SSHs, seal claps, ESTs, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, ease down and walk it back for merkins)

Lunge walk with block at 90* to the curb. 

Bear Crawl back to the rope 


Pax plank (reg, each side, etc) while each takes turn on rope. Audible in some LBCs

Down to playground 

Partner plank/press on bars while group 2 Freddie Mercurys and group 3 does pull-ups. Flapjack. Flapjack. 

Decline plank walk on hill. Left and right. 

Binkleys on level grass (experiment)

Grassy hill area for wet tunnel of love (3 tunnels, pax crawls uphill)

Cinder Blocks

Full curls, shoulder presses, skull crushers

MWAR (Mary With A Rope)

Return blocks after name-o-rama

The Foggy Moleskine

Appreciate the Pax's understanding of YHC's injury.  I think everyone thought YHC was kidding when the first instruction was to run to the cinder blocks, grab one, then carry it to the playground and YHC would meet you there (and I headed to my vehicle to drive over).

The Binkley was introduced today.  Thoughts?  I think I'll try including it again in future weinkes, unless my hamstrings tell me otherwise tomorrow…  BTW, "The Binkley" is named after a woman I work with who told me about the exercise.

The pax didn't seem to appreciate the hill work as much as I expected.  Sure it was wet and dirty, but how else would you want to experience the Tunnel of Love???

The pax is getting good on the rope.  Some strong core and shoulders being built in NoCo.

Thanks to Ditka for allowing me to lead this fine group today, even if he didn't post himself to see what would transpire at his AO.  Thanks to BlackEyePea for introducing me to F3 3+ years ago (and 2 leg fractures and 1 rotator surgery later).  As Jolly Roger always says – spread the word about F3.  Bring the 3 Fs to someone this week.  Do it again next week.  Someone out there is praying for it – whether they realize it or not.  I EH'ed a guy for well over a year, and now every time I look at Twitter he's Qing over in MECA, and every time I see him he thanks me.  That's a win for me, for "PowerBall" and for F3Nation.  Go get yourself a win this week!
