No sad clown Murph here (Preblast triple respect VQ on Wednesday)

Event Date

Jan 27, 2020

The time was 0529 as YHC is pulling up to the AO. Mater, all alone, is awaiting the pain of #TheMurph that he is rather familiar with. If you posted to 279 workouts last year in the LKN region PLUS a few other regions you may know this good type of pain as well… but you didn't, or at least you didn't have the backblasts to support it. Abrams (who was gonna Abrams) was traveling at a high rate of speed in front of me and takes a corner going at least 40. As we turned into the parking spots seconds later I am blinded by my own headlights as they reflect off of some really new awesome bright shiny new mirrors attached to a barbie jeep in need of a paint job. Boucher, right behind, rolls up at 0530 on the dot and we 3 hop out ready to go and join our brother Mater. We run our mile and realize that Sparrow must have shown up while our backs were turned because now we have 5 PAX. Also T-claps to Boucher for completing his first whole mile of running without walking. In no time from now, he will be skipping workouts and focusing on running with the typical F3 trend of migrating to running. (no hate here) Still waiting for all of the Denver runners to start biking and then move into triathlons…but here in Denver life if just a little slower than east lake. 

Next up 20 rounds of 5/10/15 (pull-ups/'mericans/squats)
(Did Spork rub off on Boucher with those squats?
The 2nd mile, at least for YHC, was a bit slower than the first, but we knocked it out.

Comes from Matthew 14. This is just after the feeding of the 5000, Jesus told his homeboys to meet him out in the water. Peter is walking on water and a storm is approaching. Peter puts his faith in Jesus but gets scared…Matthew 14:30-31 "30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” 31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”"

This can very easily draw a parallel to our lives. Sin is the dangerous waters that we must stay above, while everything is like a storm all around us trying to bring us down. We walk for bit in faith, doing well and keeping our head above water. Eventually we realize that we can't do it on our own and have to ask Jesus for help.


  • :alert: Sparrow's triple respect VQ is tomorrow 1/29 :alert: