No School Today!

Event Date

Oct 20, 2021


also posting – Giration and Bed Bug

No School = No Davidson College Campus + No Stadiums or Laps aroung the Track!

Warm Up – lap around the Green then 10 IC = Stumpy Jumpy's, Imperial Walker, Toy Soldier, Windmill, Supermans, Merkins, Stretch

The Thang – starts with 3 rounds of 3 – 20 counts – Alternating Step Ups on the Library walls – Decline, Incline and Regular Merkins – Low Reach Crunches

Mosey to the CVS parking lot wall for 1 trip of Raccoon crawls – to the front of CVS and 3 rounds of 20 WW1 situps

Mosey to Summit Parking Lot for Sucides – 3 rounds or 4 "tree" stops – divide into 2 groups, so group not on suicides completes SSH, Squats and LBC's until other group completes.

2 trips up Jackson Street Hill – backwards 1/2 way and flip to forward – 20 squats at top of round one – backdown to start then 4×4's at top of Jackson

Mosey to DUMC for Paver work – 20 (because it's the 20th) curls, skull crushers, overhead press and bent-over rows continuous until 5 minutes timer rings.

Mosey to Green for recover-recover