No Sniffing Legos at The Vern

Event Date

Aug 10, 2021



5 of the fastest pax in Isotope took on the monthly running of The Vern while 3 others sniffed legos and avoided nail guns at FKT. Here is their story:


Mr. Holland, Frodo and YHC met The Standard for ~3 miles



1 mile run to Arnie's Army Pull up bars

Pull ups x 10 OYO
Run ~200 yds
Dips x 20 OYO
Run ~200 yds
Mericans x 25 OYO
Run ~200 yds
LBCs x 30 OYO
Run ~200 yds

Repeato x 4

1 mile run back to Summit Coffee


Low flutter x 20 IC

Recover recover



  • Ugh a burpee free FKT…gross
  • The Beckett Clown car circled the lot at 0530 with the hopes that their lack of urgency would ensure the pax didn't wait…it didn't and they chose to just run instead
  • Jimmy O led the charge back to the AO and taunted Frodo and YHC to catch up…strong
  • Jobe wouldn't be deterred in his quest to finish the reps…BOOM!
  • Mr. Holland may or may not have been doing squats and lunges at 0455 before changing clothes and driving in for The Standard
  • Shrooms is loving his role of mediator between BC and Ducky
  • Ducky attends the F3 Metro 10 yr every year in Wilmington
  • BC is clearing the Lego lodged in his sinus with antibiotics or it could be a nail…we'll never know
  • Frodo took the FKT this morning allegedly. His Strava shows a slower story.
  • Thank to Frodo for the opportunity to Q at FKT. It is always an honor to lead the fastest pax in Isotope at the best AO in Isotope. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation Until the next time…