No Swinging

Event Date

Jun 14, 2019

6 Men on this fine morning and it went a little somethong like this 


Arm circles followed by love yourself

25x SSHs IC

25 x Copperhead squats IC

The  Thang KB Pyramid

15 x KB Curls

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats

Zamperini from Launchpad to parking sign and back

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats, 15 x KB Skull Crushers

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats, 15 x KB Skull Crushers, 15 x KB Lunges each side

Zamperini from Launchpad to parking sign and back

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats, 15 x KB Skull Crushers, 15 x KB Lunges each side, 15 x KB Chest Press

Zamperini from Launchpad to parking sign and back

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats, 15 x KB Skull Crushers, 15 x KB Lunges each side, 15 x KB Chest Press, 15 x Low Flutter

15 x KB Curls, 15 x KB Squats, 15 x KB Skull Crushers, 15 x KB Lunges each side, 15 x KB Chest Press, 15 x KB Low Flutter, 15 x American Hammer

Zamperini from Launchpad to parking sign and back

Repeato last round


30 x LBCs IC

30 x Reverse crunches IC


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.””
Mark 12:30-31 NIV


– not by design but we did zero KB swings today , very strange

– orchestra of sorts breaks out during the workout

– Q splashed hard

– missed out on the rest, fill in the blanks in the comments