18 Pax gathered at the famous #Hollywood venue for their weekly dose of SSHs.

Here’s the quick version:
Mosey round the block, too far for some whiners, (looking your way Kingfish) to circle up for a warm up at the west side theatre lot.
IST X 20
Slow Squat @ 15
Plank Jacks X 15
Toy Soldier X 10
Man-maker ‘Merican @ 20
SSH X 100
Down dog 
Mosey to the top of the greenway and await instructions.  Here they are:
7 burpees atop
Run forward to the bottom
Backward to the top
Descending repeat with 6 & 10, 5 & 10, 4 &10, etc..
Mosey to the east side theatre lot and circle up for a continued warm-up.
15 jump-squats OYO
The very, very slow ‘Merican @ 10
SSH X 50
Mosey to parking ramp.
Bear crawl to the platform, 10 jump-squats, 20 LBCs
Run around to the stairs and descend to the beginning
Repeat again
Mosey back to COT
No time for MARY.  
Recover X 2
Skinny Moleskin:
Kingfish and S’mores have posted 5 times in 10 days.  Welcome back fellas!
Hacker must have thought he was posting to a running workout.  He crushed it anyway, but he missed the standard.
Apparently Landline had trouble sleeping, otherwise he never would have made 05:30.
Omega did not make 05:30.  05:32 was more to his liking. 
Firestone, looking as fit as an 18 year-old wrestler, asked for those SSHs.  He probably knew they were coming.  At least the first set.
The Hall Monitor and Calypso joined for the standard.
Thanks for posting guys!