FNG – Dan Boone

Guys, awesome turnout cleaning up Huntersville and getting in a great workout!!  

I hope we can do this more.  Let’s call it “10 minutes, 10 Bags” to send the message that with enough folks we can make a big difference within just a few short minutes.  

We got off to a decent warm up with a lot of folks struggling with Shoulder Touch Merkins as a warm up exercise.  We split into 4 groups, hitting the elementary school, Main St (north), Church St. (north) and the very trashing RR ditch across from Main St coffee.

we all got back around 7:30 to complete the workout.  Thanks to HOliday for getting the group going as we all collected.  Everyone led an exercise as we made our way up the AND Down (twice) the parking garage.


Men, I am so proud to have been associated with you men for over 11 years.  There’s so much good leadership and care for community.  Iron Sharpens Iron!! Thanks men.  Let’s do it again!  

10 Minutes, 10 Bags!!!

