No Tricks but A Treat for a Total Body Beatdown for the Fab 5!

Event Date

Oct 31, 2018

After a late night celebrating Michael’s playoff victory, I knew I needed multiple alarms to get me up on a day when the kids were off from school.  It would have also helped if I actually brought one of those alarms up to bed instead of leaving it on the ottoman.  Several FitBit snoozes later, YHC woke up just before 5 realizing I had to get my act in gear!  Quick cup of java and multiple layers later I was out the door.

Upon arrival there was no one…oh wait…there is the Black Beard strolling his way over and a couple of lights heading back to base in the way of the MQ himself Jimmy O and the Kotter Etch A Sketch.  Nice job boys…rounding out the Fab 5 was Omar.  Very little convo as 530 snuck up on us way too quickly.

Time to Trick and Treat to a YHC beatdown!

Mosey to bottom deck of DPK.  Man there are some dusty cars down there!


Warm O Rama:

SSH x15

Cotton Picker x15

Toy Soldier x15 IC

Wind Mill x15 IC

IST x15 IC


The Thang:  Mosey up a couple flights and circle up.

10x IC Merkins

31 Burpees OYO

18x IV Squats

Mosey the entire deck, down the stairs and 2 decks up from our last stop.  Why does Camp Gladiator have more Pax than we do?  Hmmm

10x IC Squats

31x IC Merkins with a 5 count after 15

18 Burpees OYO

Run up entire deck…down there stairs and then back up to the top.  Adios Etch

10 Burpees OYO

31x IC Squats

18x IC Merkins.

Slow walk down there stairs.

Broad Jump Burpees up the deck…Tricked Ya!  Your treat is a slow mosey to outside patio.


31x IC LBC

18x IC Box Cutter

10 WW2 Situps

31x IC Dying Cock A Roacha

18x IC Pretzel Crunch (9 each side)

10x IC J Lo

Recover Recover

Spooky Moleskin

Blackbeard must have been hitting the rum strong coming to YHC’s workout after how I desecrated  Mighty Jungle with my broad jump burpee ladder.  You are a true pirate!

Etch’s mumblechatter is still in great form and never takes an absence.  Good to see you brother.

Omar was ahead of the Pax all day and probably the only one that did not take advantage of my disclaimer to modify as necessary…seems like that was taken advantage of during the burpee portion.

Looks like Jimmy O’s advertising of YHC taking the helm backfired.  Oh well…you are better for it.  Nice work.

Today was nothing fancy other than playing with the rep counts.  No tricks.  Just a treat to a full body workout!


I took us out. 

Prayers for school shooting victim, friends, family and students.  The military and 1st responders.

CPR class tomorrow at 6pm Birkdale clubhouse.

Christina Latini Memorial Run open November 1st.

Basin Run. (Blackbeard shameless plug for MJ)

Operation Sweet Tooth toy drive beginning Nov 1st