No Under Cover Brothers Needed At Mighty Jungle

Event Date

Feb 16, 2019

Now today…marks the final stop of the week of Olive.  As mentioned yesterday, I received the call to the bullpen to help out our ailing MQ of Mighty Jungle and to lead a band of brothers.  Maybe I should have checked the weather forecast prior to HC’ing as the gloom called for a good bunch of Heaven’s tears.  Oh well.  Thankfully, St. Mark provides plenty of cover!  As I attempted to arrive, a Church goer in true Catholic fashion was in a hurry and blocked my way into the gathering lot.  Although I showed chivalry, I had to revert to my Long Island roots and wail on the horn.  I think I got Black Beards attention as he finally moved his clown car.  All in all, 8 pax gathered to yet another Olive beatdown and we had some royalty present with Gnarly Goat in full cotton and the Grantan himself. Blackbeard was there to provide encouragement to the Pax, remind me off all the dry spots and share his mumblechatter before heading over to Q Source. Right on the dot, we moseyed over to the flag to kick off a tour of the campus.  This is how it went down.


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to far corner of lot by the pull up bars.

Warm O Rama


15 Windmills IC

15 Cotton pickers IC


15 Toy soldiers IC

Mosey to the other end of the lot by the bat cave entrance.

5 burpees OYO

10 merkins IC

15 Squats IC

20 Freddy Mercuries (As you can imagine, the chatter got real as our backs and six got soaked.  Grumblings of cover were fast and heavy with Kid Rock leading the charge.  I mean, we were already wet?  It was kind of…refreshing eh?

Mosey to front of lot by the Church entrance

5 burpees OYO

10 Merkins IC

15 Squats IC

20 Freddy Mercurys (Again the grumblings ensued…Rocket took the “rains” on this one…yes misspelling intended.

Mosey for cover…um no.  Head fake and take the long mosey around the church to the hill (I am sure this has an official F3 name but it escapes me).  I promised the Pax that if we did the burpees during the corner workouts I would not make them do them on the hill.  #Mercy


Quadraphilia up the hill and perform 10 CDDs

Mosey down and perform 1 lunge but for each leg which actually equals 2.  I wanted to make sure we keep both sides even and we get a nice wheel burn.

Up for 8 down for 3

Up for 6 down for 5

Up for 4 down for 7

Up for 2 down for 9

Pax discussing military stretching and Grantan offered demo.  Great idea…lets wait for Mary.

Mosey back to Church and take the short way by the circle.

Lets find a curb.

Bear crawl to the other side.  10 Mountain Climbers

Bear Crawl back..not not crawl bear because I know I would get hurt.  10 More mountain climbers.

Finally, as the rain stopped briefly, we head for cover by the school.

People’s Chairs

Add air press

Add touch them heels

Head to curb for rocky balboas…Q was corrected as they are Muhammed Ali’s.

Back to the wall.

People’s chair.

Add air press

Add touch them heels.

Hold it for extra burn.

Head to the cars.  Nah.  Audible.

Balls to the wall before we go.

Okay, not head to 3rd corner of lot.

5 burpees OYO

10 Merkins  I think someone called 911…Merkin police started arriving.

15 squats

20 Freddy Mercurys

Mosey to far corner by the pull up bars to finish the 4 corners

5 burpees OYO

10 Merkins IC  Not only were the Merkin police on hand, they must have called in the swat team with the mumblechatter of poor form Merkins.  Wow.  Hey, I didn’t judge.

Head to the blocks and grab two for yourselves. 

10 Curls IC

10 Chest Press IC

10 Squat to Press IC

Farmers Carry back to school.  Yes we are going the wrong way.  I am directionally challenged.

Stop Mid way.

10 Curls IC

10 Chest Press IC

10 Squat to Press IC

Continue heading in wrong direction.

10 Curls IC

10 Chest Press IC

10 Squat to Press IC

Farmers Carry all the way back to put away the blocks.

Mosey to the cars.

MARY slipkick to Bag Boy

Leg Cross front stretch

Leg cross to right side and to left side

Leg throw to left with arms flat on ground.

Then to the right.

Demo of quad stretch with intent to get back on the ground.  Not happening in grass or concrete.

Recover Recover.

Soggy Moleskin

This was a fun workout.  Explored the entire campus.  Fully body workout.  Challenging weather.  Challenging mumblechatter and some of LKN’s finist.

T Claps to Stapler to attended 4 out of 6 Q’s this week.  Thanks for the support and hopefully you are better for it.  Otherwise, you can just hate on me like Kid Rock.

There was a lot of attempt to sway YHC of cadence and off weinke.  We all fail sometimes…hopefully you learned from it.

Strong work by Canuck coming down from the TPR and sharing a story of his health.  Great testimony and message to listen to your body…Stapler added as did I as a colleague only 45 diagnosed with Prostate cancer.  If his M didn’t force him to go see a naturalist doctor, it would have never been discovered.  M and God’s will right there. discussion.  Polar bear next week and BRP and Joe Davis Run on 3/9.  Kid rock and I were there last year in single digits.  Hope at least double this year.

Heartfelt thanks that Bag Boy handed over a collection of coin.  Originally intended for Snake Eyes.  He graciously wanted to donate in honor of his Mother to Operation Sweet Tooth.  Selfless act and I appreciate it brother.  Still in my prayers.

Lastly, I thought we were not that kind of group…but I don’t know if I can get the image out of my eyes…and on Church ground…don’t even want to know what was going on between Bag Boy, Kid Rock and a towel.  #ShowToKnow

I took us out for COT


Thanks for the invite to Q Blackbeard.  Hope I didn’t disappoint.

Olive week over and out.

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Life For Granted.

Humbly Yours-

